What's New in Power Actions® 4.0

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Starting with the 4.0.0 version, all improvements added in KATL-Commons v.4.0 and Power Scripts™ for Jira v 4.0 are also available in Power Actions as well.
This means that now you can:

  1. Use the new, stylized editor – and you'll enjoy it!
  2. Define datasources at the KATL-Commons level and use them in the screen script of Power Actions Custom Fields
  3. Additional tables that we used have now migrated to the Atlassian Active Objects standard mechanism. This means no more need to make an extra step at restores. Previously you had to install the app before restoring. Old tables are migrated and after that, deleted automatically from the Jira database.
  4. SIL has received a big performance boost and we're sure you'll love to see it in action