Data storage

Issues that you keep in Jira are extremely important to your business and we make sure that data is properly protected. 

JQL Search Extensions system

The following information is stored in the app’s system:

  • installation information necessary for the app to communicate with Jira; including the encrypted token

  • user-created queries (filters, su‌bqueries etc.)

  • issues, fields, and projects cache necessary to fulfill the app’s functional and performance requirements

  • logs for support purposes containing information like Jira issue ids and Jira instance identifiers

Data is automatically removed within a month after uninstallation of the app.

Stored in Jira

Indexing metadata on issues and other Jira entities

Data region

JQL Search Extensions stores data in Atlas Mongo hosted by Amazon Web Services infrastructure in Oregon, United States.

Data in Jira is stored according to your Jira data residency configuration.