This page is applicable to both Agile Poker for Jira Cloud and Jira Data Center.
Welcome to Agile Poker for Jira! We’re happy to see you here.
Agile Poker for Jira Cloud is a well-known tool for quick and convenient estimations. It was inspired by four industry-standard estimation methodologies: Planning Poker®, Wideband Delphi, Magic Estimation, and Bucket System (the last two are also known as Silent Grouping, Affinity Estimation, Swimlanes Sizing, or Relative Estimations).
This page contains step-by-step instructions on how to install Agile Poker for Jira.
Before you begin
You must be a Jira administrator to carry out the instructions on this page.
How to install Agile Poker for Jira Cloud
Installing Agile Poker is like installing any other Jira app (see Managing add-ons in the Jira documentation).
Agile Poker for Jira Cloud supports all types of Jira projects starting from 100.4.2-AC version. Older versions require Jira Software project (either Classic or Next-Gen) in order to work properly.
Log in to your Jira Cloud instance as a Jira Administrator.
Select the Jira Settings cog in the top right of your Jira instance and select Apps. The Find New Apps page displays.
Agile Poker for Jira
in the search field and press Enter.Click Try it free to install your app.
Click Start Free Trial. A confirmation message displays once it installs successfully.
Here is where you’ll find Agile Poker entry points:
Software projects
Jira Cloud has two types of Software projects; however, the entry points to Agile Poker are very similar.
Company-Managed Project navigation (previously, Classic Project) | Team-Managed Project navigation (previously, Next-Gen Project) |
Business and Service Management projects
Starting with Agile Poker Cloud version 100.4.2-AC, Jira Service Management and Jira Work Management (Business) projects are supported. Agile Poker is located in the left-side project navigation menu and provides a similar experience to Software projects.
Before starting to estimate, please ensure that your fields are properly configured depending on the type of project that you use. If you cannot see your issues, or cannot find your estimation field, check out this page and we will help you configure your Jira properly.
How to install Agile Poker for Jira Data Center
Log in to your Jira Data Center instance as a Jira Administrator.
Select the Jira Settings cog in the top right of your Jira instance and select Manage Apps. The Find New Apps page displays.
Agile Poker
in the search field and press Enter.Click Free trial to start installing your app.
Click Accept & Install. A confirmation message displays once it installs successfully.
Once installed, Agile Poker will add the Agile Poker icon to the project and a button to the project backlog page.
Next Steps
All set! Check out the Quickstart Guide to get started with Agile Poker for Jira.