Multiple fields estimation session

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The multi-field estimation feature allows users to estimate several Jira fields simultaneously and calculate a final value known as the "final score" based on those estimates.

It’s available in Interactive and Asynchronous sessions.

Who should use multi-field estimation?

Any team that requires estimates for several numeric fields can use multi-field estimation. The most common cases for using the feature are the following:

  • A team calculating effort based on several estimations, such as development and QA activities, frontend and backend estimates, research and development, and the most pessimistic, most optimistic, and most likely estimates (commonly known as PERT estimate).

  • A team using both Story Points and Time estimates for planning.

  • A team using a calculated value for work prioritization, using frameworks such as WSJF, ICE, RISE, or Impact/Ability.

Mechanics of the multiple fields estimation

Here's a brief overview of how the multi-field estimation works:

  • When creating Interactive or Asynchronous sessions, the moderator enables the Multi-field estimation toggle.

  • The moderator selects a Jira field for each estimation value and, if desired, for the final score. This configuration is essential, even if your goal is to update a single final score field.

  • The moderator selects a template for estimation and prioritization. The default template is the Custom template, allowing estimation from 2 to 5 numeric fields. There are also templates such as WSJF, ICE, RISE, or Impact/Ability.

  • The final score feature is optional but often utilized in multi-field estimation. If enabled, the final score is saved to a selected Jira field. Each template has a preset formula, such as a weighted sum for the Custom template or ICE for the ICE template.

  • During the multi-field estimation session, participants estimate the values for the selected fields. The session flow is similar to the standard Interactive and Asynchronous sessions.

  • If the final score feature is enabled, the calculated final score will be displayed and saved in the corresponding Jira field once all the estimation criteria are completed.

Check out the video below to see the feature in action:

How to create a multiple fields estimation session

Before starting a multi-field estimation session, you must select a Jira field for every estimation value, as well as for the final score (if you opted to use it). Since Agile Poker operates with existing Jira fields, you need to specify fields for estimation even if your goal is to get a single final score field updated.

Step 1: Open the Create session screen

  1. For service/software projects, navigate to the project’s left-side menu, and click Agile Poker.

  2. On the Estimations screen, hover over Interactive or Asynchronous depending on your preference, and click Create Session.

Step 2: Configure multi-field estimation

Enable the Multi-field estimation toggle, and the multi-field estimation configuration will appear below. Here you can select a template for estimation and prioritization, with the Custom template selected by default.

  • Custom template – is a weighted sum formula that enables estimation from 2 to 5 numeric fields. Use the Add criteria and Remove (bucket) options to control the number of fields to estimate. Please note that all field selectors are mandatory, and you can proceed to the next step only when all of them are selected.

  • Prioritization templates – support specific prioritization frameworks. Estimation fields are labeled with framework criteria names, and the number of fields is predefined. The supported frameworks are:

    • WSJF – Weighted Shortest Job First

    • ICE – Impact, Confidence, and Ease

    • RICE – Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort

    • PERT – Program Evaluation and Review Technique

    • Impact/Ability or Impact/Effort

Step 3: Calculating the final score

In most cases, the purpose of multi-field estimation is not to determine individual estimates but rather to calculate a final value based on those estimates. To facilitate this, the optional Final score feature allows for storing the final result. Here is how it works:

  • The final score is saved to a selected Jira field, and when this feature is enabled, it is necessary to specify the corresponding Jira field.

  • Each template has a predefined formula. For example, the Custom template uses a weighted sum formula, while the ICE template uses the formula I*C*E.

  • Each field is identified with an alphabetic letter (A, B, C, D, or E), which is used in the final score formula.

  • You can multiply a value by changing its weight on the Custom and WSJF prioritization templates:

Step 4: Setting estimation values

Estimation values that are suggested during estimation for all the fields are configured below the multi-field configurations. Currently, it is not possible to set up different estimation values or card layouts for different fields.

If you need to have different estimation values for different fields, consider the following approaches:

  1. You can change the Estimation values from inside the session. For example, in an Interactive session, you can estimate field #1 first, then change the estimation values and proceed with estimates for field #2.

  2. You can have several sets of values at once, like this: 

In the session, it will look like this:

Setting Time estimates

Since Jira doesn't let users create custom fields of time type, the time estimates will be combined with numeric fields estimation in Multi-field estimation. So, let's say you want to add up DevEstimate (a numeric field) and QAEstimate (another numeric field) to get a final estimate saved in the Original estimate (a time field). Here's what you can do:

  1. First, find out your Default unit for time tracking in Jira. Just head over to Settings > Issues > Issue features > Time tracking. You'll see options like Minute, Hour, Day, or Week.

  2. Use Agile Poker's ability to label estimation values. You can use the format "label=value".

  3. Combine #1 and #2 to create an estimation layout. For example, if the default unit for time tracking is set to Minutes, the layout could be structured as follows:

This format adheres to Jira's standard time format and simplifies time estimation for Agile Poker users.

It's important to note that estimating time format values is available from version 100.4.2 onwards. You can use values like "1w" for 1 week, "1d" for 1 day, "1h" for 1 hour, "1m" for 1 minute, or their combination like "1w 2d 3h 4m". Additionally, you have the option to select a Time estimates template:

Step 5: Select issues

You can only estimate issues that have all the selected estimation fields available. If, for instance, a particular issue type lacks even one of the chosen estimation fields, it will not be visible during the Multi-field estimation session.

For more information on this topic, please refer to the detailed guide.

Step 6: Save the configuration as personal default (Optional)

Multi-field estimation configuration can be saved and pre-populated while creating new sessions by using the Save this configuration as my personal default option.

Once you’re ready, click Start session and the estimation will start.

Estimation process

The flow of the Multi-field session closely resembles that of the standard Interactive and Asynchronous sessions. The main difference is that a field, not an issue, becomes an estimation focus. This means that:

  • Each issue has multiple tabs with the estimation fields.

  • Clicking Save & next takes you to the next field within the issue, rather than the next issue itself.

  • Triangulation and reference issues display values specific to the selected estimation field.

  • During the personal estimation phase of the Asynchronous session, personal progress is tracked based on the number of fields submitted.

  • Each estimation field for an issue has its own comment field in the Asynchronous session.

  • The backlog view now shows two types of values:

    • A final score if enabled for the Interactive session or Final estimation phase of the Asynchronous session.

    • Estimates for all estimation fields during the personal estimation phase of the Asynchronous session, or in all cases if the final score is disabled.

  • If the final score is enabled for the Multi-field estimation session, it will be displayed on the right side of the estimation field tabs:

Once all the criteria of the final score formula are estimated, the final score will be calculated, shown to all participants, and saved to the corresponding Jira field. The final score will automatically recalculate if there are further changes to the estimates in Agile Poker.

Note that if the final score formula contains a denominator (e.g., in the case of WSJF or Impact/Ability templates), it must be a non-zero numeric value in order to calculate the final score.

Bonus: Grid view

In both the Interactive and Async sessions' final estimation phase, participants have access to a grid displaying all the personal estimates. To view the grid, simply click on the grid view icon located next to the participants:


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