Linked Issues Status Validator

Are you using JMWE for Jira Cloud and want to learn how to use this validator? Head to our documentation here.

Documentation for JMWE JMWE 6.2.0 is available here.

A workflow validator which ensures that the current issue's linked issues are in one of the selected statuses. 

To add 'Linked Issue(s) Status Validator' to a transition:

  1. Click Edit for the workflow that has the transition you wish to configure the validator on.
  2. In the Workflow Designer, select the transition.
  3. Click on Validators in the properties panel.
  4. Click on Add validator.
  5. Select Linked Issue(s) Status Validator from the list of validators.
  6. Click on Add to add the validator on the transition.
  7. Select the link from the Issue Link drop-down, or leave it as Any for any link type other than Issue/Subtask, Epic/Story and Jira Portfolio hierarchy
  8. Select the issue type from the Issue Type field, or leave it as Any for any issue type.
  9. Select the status(es) of the linked issues from the Statuses field.
  10. Input a message in the Error message field to customize the error message.
  11. Click on Add to add the validator to the transition.

On the Service Management portal view of a request, the customer will not see the Error message when the validator fails. This is due to a known limitation (JSDSERVER-5822) with Atlassian.

Related links :

Refer to the Use cases for validators page for use cases for this validator.

When you add this validator to a transition and trigger the transition, the add-on checks the Status of each linked issue. If any linked issue is not in one of the selected statuses then an error message is displayed.

The list of statuses that is displayed under the Statuses field has all the statuses across different workflows. This is because the workflow of an issue and that of its linked issues can be different.

Error message

Customize the error message that needs to be displayed if at least one of the linked issues is not in the specified status(es).

Validator scope

Control the execution of the validator using this option. Check this option if you want the validation to be performed only in certain cases, such as if the issue is of certain issue type or only if the issue is unassigned, or more generally satisfies an arbitrary Groovy expression.