Linked Issue(s) Validator

Are you using JMWE for Jira Cloud and want to learn how to use this validator? Head to our documentation here.

Documentation for JMWE JMWE 6.2.0 is available here.

A workflow validator which ensures that a link to one (or more) issue(s) from the current issue is being created during the transition, and/or that existing and/or newly linked issues have certain characteristics.

To add 'Linked Issue(s) Validator' to a transition:

  1. Click Edit for the workflow that has the transition you wish to configure the validator on.
  2. In the Workflow Designer, select the transition.
  3. Click on Validators in the properties panel.
  4. Click on Add validator.
  5. Select Linked Issue(s) Validator from the list of validators.
  6. Click on Add to add the validator on the transition.
  7. Select the link from the Issue Link drop-down, or leave it as Any for any link type other than Issue/Subtask, Epic/Story and Jira Portfolio hierarchy.
  8. Select the minimum number of linked issues required from the Min. Linked Issues field. Selecting 0 indicates no linked issues are required. Note that the other constraints (detailed below), if any, will however still be enforced on the linked issues.
  9. Input a message in the Error message field to display if the configured conditions are not satisfied.
  10. Click on Add to add the validator to the transition.

On the Service Management portal view of a request, the customer will not see the Error message when the validator fails. This is due to a known limitation (JSDSERVER-5822) with Atlassian.

Related links :

Refer to the Use cases for validators page for use cases for this validator.

When you add this validator to a transition and trigger the transition, the add-on checks the number of linked issues of specified link type added on the transition screen against the number of issues entered in the Min. Linked Issues field. If it does not match then an error message is displayed. 

You can further customize the validation using the following options:

What to validate

Require the creation of issue links on the transition screen

Validates that at least one issue is linked to the current issue on the transition screen, and the link must be of the specified link type and must respect the Issue constraints (explained below).

Validate issue links added on the transition screen, if any

Validates that the issue links added on the transition screen if any, are of the specified link type and respect the Issue constraints (explained below)

Require issue links with a specific link type or set of constraints

Validates that the issue links that are added on the transition screen and ones that already existed are of the specified link type and respect the Issue constraints (explained below).

Max. Linked Issues

Select the maximum number of linked issues to be accepted. Leave it blank for no limit.

Condition on linked issues

Input a Groovy condition in this field to check on each linked issue. Leave blank if you don't need any constraint on the linked issues. See the Groovy help editor for more information on writing the Groovy condition.

All linked issues must verify the condition above

By default, this option is checked and the Groovy condition written above is checked on each linked issue of the current issue. If you uncheck this option, at least one linked issue, instead of all, must verify the condition.

Validator Scope

To execute this validator based on the result of a groovy expression see Conditional execution using Groovy expression