JMCF for Jira Server 2.1.0 release notes

JMCF 2.1.0 brings the following improvements:

Jira 8 compatibility

JMCF 2.1.0 is fully compatible with Jira Software/Core 8, as well as with Jira Service Desk 4.0. JMCF 2.1.0 is also backward compatible with Jira 7.0.11 and above.

Statistics-compatible duration fields

JMCF Calculated (Scripted) Duration fields and Time In Status fields can now use a statistics-compatible search template, which means that these fields can now be used in Statistics gadgets such as the Pie Chart.

Groovy improvements

  • An isInternal() method on Comment objects to check whether a comment on a Jira Service Desk issue is Internal or Shared with customer
  • A secondsBetween global function to easily calculate the duration, in seconds, between two dates
  • workdaysBetween global function to calculate the number of workdays (excluding weekends) between two dates
  • An asUser global function to run part of a calculated (scripted) custom field's script as a specific user. This is especially useful for scripts that need to access the API of another app, and this API relies on the "current user" to secure access to data.

And several bug fixes

  • [JMCF-270] - Custom field value is not displayed for Calculated Number field in the gadgets
  • [JMCF-272] - The Date Column Format of a Calculated Date Time field obeys the format from the Date Format
  • [JMCF-273] - Error details in the List view is missing for few custom fields
  • [JMCF-274] - Velocity template is not applied on the edit and transition screens for a few custom fields
  • [JMCF-277] - Empty calculated field values are not handled properly in statistics gadgets
  • [JMCF-278] - Null pointer exception when accessing a calculated custom field followed by accessing another field using get() method in a script
  • [JMCF-289] - Duration Searcher doesn't take custom duration settings into account in JQL searches