Worklog interface

This document details the methods of the Worklog interface you can use on a work log, such as those returned by the Getters when you access the Work log.


Return type


getAuthorKey()StringKey of the user who is the author of the Work log
getAuthorObject()ApplicationUserUser who is the author of the Work log
getComment()StringComment added to the work log
getCreated()DateWork log creation date
getGroupLevel()StringGroup level the work log is applicable to
getId()LongId of the work log
getIssue()IssueIssue on which the work log is added
getRoleLevel()ProjectRoleProject role the work log is applicable to
getRoleLevelId()LongProject role Id the work log is applicable to
getStartDate()DateWork log start date
getTimeSpent()LongLogged time spent
getUpdateAuthorKey()StringKey of the user who updated the Work log
getUpdateAuthorObject()ApplicationUserUser who has updated the Work log
getUpdated()DateWork log updated date