Calculate and fetch a subset of values of a multi-valued field based on a condition


This code snippet filters values from a collection of objects based on a condition.


Iterate over the collection of objects and filter values that meet the condition


//Find the array of values that satisfy the condition and return it
return issue.get("<Multi-valued field name>").findAll{
  //Write the condition


<Multi-valued field name>Name of the multi-valued fieldwatches
<Condition>Condition to meet for the value to be filteredit != issue.get("reporter")


The output of this snippet is a subset of the existing values of a multi-valued field which you could use in a Groovy expression, to show a subset of the existing values of a multi-select custom field type that satisfy a condition. For example:

  • Show just the customers watching the issue in a user picker field. For this, you will need to create a Calculated Multi-user select custom field type and configure it with the following Groovy formula.

    return issue.get("watches").findAll{
      it.isInProjectRole("Service Desk Customers",issue.get("project") )
  • Display a custom text field with the text "Unreleased" if there is at least one Fix Version/s that is not released.

