Live Fields Routines
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This section contains routines that enable users to interact with fields on the screen – standard fields, custom fields, tabs, and so on.
Routines summary
- lfAllowSelectOptions — Restricts a field's selectable values to the list of options given as a parameter of the routine.
- lfDialogMessage — Displays a global message in a dialog box.
- lfDisable — Disables the given field.
- lfDisableTab — Disables the given tab of a provided name.
- lfEnable — Enables the given field.
- lfEnableTab — Enables the given tab.
- lfExecuteJS — Gives you the possibility to run your own javascript code.
- lfGlobalMessage — Displays a global message.
- lfHideAllExcept — Hides all given fields, panels, and tabs except the ones given as parameters.
- lfHideFieldMessage — Hides a message for the given field.
- lfHideTab — Hides the specified tab.
- lfInstantHook — Executes the given SIL script passing the screen values for the specified dependent fields (relatedFields) as parameters to the script.
- lfRedirect — Redirects to the specified URL.
- lfRefreshScreen — Performs a page reload.
- lfRestrictSelectOptions — Restricts certain options from the list of options for the field.
- lfSet — Sets the field with the given values.
- lfShow — Shows the given field.
- lfShowAll — Shows the given fields, panels and tabs.
- lfShowFieldMessage — Displays a message for the given field.
- lfShowTab — Shows the given tab.
- lfWatch — Attaches listeners for the events that you give as parameters in the function.