Set the Assignee to Blank

This page provides details on how to set the assignee to blank when you clone an issue.


  1. Sign in to your Jira instance as Jira administrator.

  2. In the top navigation bar, select JIRA Administration > Manage apps.
    The Manage apps page is displayed.

  3. In the left sidebar of the Manage apps page, select Clone Plus for Jira.
    The Clone Plus for Jira Configuration page is displayed.

  4. Select Clone plus properties > Edit tab to edit a copy of the currently active configuration.
    You can also create a file in the directory configured as your JIRA home directory or copy and modify the example file.

  5. Add the following sample code for the Clone+ 1 clone operation.

    # Set assignee value to no one, however, you must hide the field to have it take affect 1.set.assignee = 1.ignoreFields = assignee
  6. Click Make Active.
    Once the Jira administrator has done these changes and the users clone any issue using the Clone+ 1 clone operation, the assignee will be set to blank.

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