Create Issue Link

You can create an issue link from the original issue to the cloned issue.


Ensure your administrator has done the following on the Properties page while creating a clone operation:

  1. Select the Add link checkbox to create an issue link from the original issue to the cloned issue.

  2. In the link drop-down list, select the required link from the original issue to the cloned issue while cloning. For example, consider the is cloned by link option is selected.

For more details, refer to the Clone Plus for Jira configuration - Cloud page.


If the required link is not selected for a clone operation, by default the issue will be cloned using the is cloned by link option.


  1. Select an issue you want to clone in your Jira instance.

  2. In the top-right corner, select Actions > Clone Plus option or select the Clone Plus quick-add button in any issue.

  3. On the Clone Plus for Jira page, select the clone operation configured for your scenario and other values as required.

  4. Click Clone.

  5. On the Create issue page, select values for all the issue fields as required.

  6. Click Create.
    A successful issue creation message is displayed and the issue is cloned with the selected link.



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