Getting started with Hedge

Getting started with Hedge

What is Hedge?

Hedge is a Risk management app for Jira clouds for everyone who is looking for an easy way to register, assess, and prioritize risks in Jira together with the option to monitor progress and link risks to companies day to day work.

Hedge by Jexo provides a complete, engaging, and easy-to-setup and use risk management tool for Jira cloud with a set of predefined industry-standard risk management templates to choose from.


Six steps to get you started with Hedge

  1. Install the app from the Atlassian marketplace

  2. Access the app under the Apps > Risk management

  3. If you’re accessing the app for the first time you need to allow access (this needs to be done by anyone who accesses the app in your instance)

  4. Create a new risk register by clicking on the “Create risk register“ button

Risk Register page with create risk register button highlighted
Create new risk register fields

5. In your newly created risk register, you can create risks by using Jira “Create“ issue button.

6. Once you have your list of risks ready you can start assessing them by filling in your risk metrics (example: Probability and Impact). Hedge then automatically assigns risk scores and risk levels to each of them.

And that’s it! 🚀

What’s next?

If you’re interested in exploring how Hedge can help you further, take a look at: