Migrating from Server to Cloud

Migrating from Server to Cloud


Before migrating your Github macros for Confluence app content from server to cloud, read the Atlassian article to plan your migration.

This article contains the required information to migrate the app data from server to cloud. To migrate your pages from server to cloud, you must run the Confluence Content Migration Assistant (CCMA). 

Note that before migrating, on server, you set up access to private content using an access token. Whereas, on cloud, you must set up a link between Confluence and your Github account to allow access to your content. This link authorises Github Macros to access content from your Github account.

Verification post migration

After performing migration using CCMA, you can find the migrated server tokens in the cloud apps' configuration in the Access tokens imported from Server tab.

Post migration, you are not able to add new access tokens due to the Confluence cloud itself.

Github Macro for Confluence configuration

You can view and configure new links between Confluence and your Github account (existing cloud app feature) on the Connected Github accounts screen.

After migration, the migrated pages containing the Github macros which are migrated from server continue to render as expected and are ready to use.

Due to the architecture of Confluence cloud, the cloud app macros cannot access any of the private repositories maintained on Enterprise servers. Pages that refer to such repositories or locations after migration will show errors as the content cannot be accessed.

If you are facing any issue then please contact our Support team for assistance.

Differences between server and cloud versions

This section gives an overview of the differences between the server/DC and cloud versions of the app. Note that features available in both server and cloud versions are not listed in this article.

The following table lists the differences between the server and cloud versions:







Access to private Github content

Yes. You need personal access token to be configured. See details in the server Configuration page.

Yes. You need to create a link between Confluence and your Github account, there by authorising your site to access content from your Github account. See details in the cloud Configuration page.


Macros use the configured personal access token to fetch data from given Github repository.

Macros use the configured link to fetch data from given Github repository.

After the migration is completed, a migrated page contains the server-specific macros which are labelled “(Imported macro from server)” along with the macro name.

Sample images to illustrate how the page and macro appear after migration:

Sample migrated page on editing is as shown:

Editing a migrated page shows the migrated macros as in the image.

Migrated macro editor on migrated page appears as:

Important references