Step 5 - Completing the Setup


In this last step, you will further refine the setup for Salesforce & JIRA Cloud Connector.

At the end of this step:

  • Your new connector will be ready for usage.


Post-migration notes

Disable the Classic Connector

Once the New Connector is set up, disable the Classic Connector to avoid interference and confusion to end users.

This also lets Atlassian and ServiceRocket know that you are done with the migration.

  1. Log in to JIRA Cloud.

  2. From the Cog Icon, choose Add-ons.

  3. Under Atlassian Marketplace menu section, choose Manage add-ons.

  4. You will see a list of available add-ons.
    Disable these add-ons in the following order:

    1. ServiceRocket Connector Plugin - Plugin

    2. ServiceRocket JIRA Connector - Plugin

    3. ServiceRocket Core Connector - Plugin

Note that at the end of the migration window, Atlassian will remove these add-ons completely from all JIRA Cloud instances.

Review the rest of the administrator guides

The New Connector offers some new features and settings that were not available in the Classic Connector. We recommend you to review the settings as per the Administrator guide.

Review the user guides

It might be helpful to send your users some resources to get familiar with the New Connector. Take a look at User Guide.

License and subscription

Your New Connector should have a matching expiry date. Note that by the end of the date, you will need to re-subscribe to the New Connector. This is a requirement by Atlassian to ensure the license is migrated successfully.

Questions? Problems?

Contact our support team or email us at