Page Status Macro

Page Status Macro


The Page Status Macro is used to display the current workflow state of a page.


Only page editors can see this macro as by default only users with edit permissions for a page can see workflow activity and draft versions of pages.

The macro will be seen by users with view permission on the draft content if global workflow visibility is configured for anybody to see draft content.

If you wish for all users to see the macro then an option is to use the get-metadata macro on the page with the metadata name instead.

Adding the macro

To add the report to a page:

  1. In the editor, choose Insert → Other Macros → All → Page Status
  2. Choose Insert

Here's how the macro looks on your page:

Customising the macro

There are no customisation options for this macro.

See also

Reporting Guide:

User Guide:

Workflow Authoring Guide: