Administration - space configuration
A space administrator can apply a workflow to all the pages and blog posts in the space using the space tools Document Approval dashboard.
The Document Approval dashboard lets a space administrator
disable or enable the approval workflow for the space using the check and slider button next to the workflow name
clear the workflow approval history for all pages and blog posts in the space
The space administrator can also use the Report Data Population screen to manually populate workflow data for Document Control reports and reporting macros if the data has not been updated because of unexpected errors or permissions.
Enabling the approval in the Document Approval dashboard applies the workflow to all pages and blog posts in the space. This overrides any approval added and applied to an individual page or blog post.
Space Document Approval dashboard
Choose Document Approvals from the space tools menu.
The Comala Document Approval dashboard is displayed in the space tools dashboard.
Enable space approval workflow
To add and apply the approval workflow to all the pages and blog posts in the space
move the grey slider to the green tick to make the Simple Approval Workflow active
Approvals are enabled and applied to all the pages and blog posts in the space.
Space approvals configuration
You can choose to
initialise the states for the approvals for all pages and blogs using the Utilities dropdown menu:
clear any existing approvals workflow history for the pages in the space:
Disabling the space application of Comala Document Approval
To disable the application of Comala Document Approval across a space:
access the space tools approvals dashboard
check the Simple Approval Workflow to grey
Any approval workflow previously applied to individual pages as a page workflow becomes active on each page.
Space Report Data Population
Pages and blog posts automatically update their data for the Document Approval reports and macros.
However, sometimes the data is not updated because of unexpected errors or a user's lack of edit permissions that triggered the update itself.
In those cases, the data for the reports can be manually populated by running a space-level data population job. This is done by
choosing the Report Data Population screen in the Document Approval dashboard
selecting the Populate button option
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