2.3.0 Release Notes

Comala Boards for Confluence Server 2.3.0

Jun 9, 2020 

Comala Boards for Confluence Server 2.3.0 is a feature update and bugfix release.

What's New


  • improved the scrolling behavior when dragging cards past the viewable page

  • minor performance improvements when moving cards on very large boards

  • updated translations for German, Spanish, French, and Japanese


  • several fixes related to page templates

    • a board included on a page template now includes the pre-populated cards when creating a page from that template

    • in the board builder removing a page template from the board configuration now updates it correctly

    • also fixed a bug creating pages on a board from templates for some earlier Confluence v6.x releases

  • fixed a permission problem that prevented cards from being visible to anonymous users

  • Task board fixes

    • user mentions when adding a row to a task board now work as expected

    • creating a task board where a user-defined is no longer valid no longer causes an error

  • minor board UI fixes including disappearing icons when hovering on a card and preventing duplicate cards in a container being displayed

  • List feature fixes including

    • all spaces option in macro config

    • error displaying the requirements list with page content from a different space