Examples - 6.7.0
Related information for 6.7.0
Command |
1 |
--action addAgent --agent "Z Added 1" --description "Agent added by 2629522" |
2 |
--action addAgent --agent "Z Added 2" |
3 |
--action addAgent --agent "Z Added 3" |
4 |
--action addAgentAssignment --agent "Z Added 1" --assignment "ZCREATE2629522" |
5 |
--action addAgentAssignment --agent "Z Added 1" --assignment "ZCREATE2629522-AA" |
6 |
--action addAgentAssignment --agent "Z Added 1" --assignment "ZCREATE2629522-AA-MYJOB" |
7 |
--action addArtifact --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --job "myjob" --artifact "jar" --location "target" --copyPattern "**/*.jar" --shared |
8 |
--action addArtifact --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --job "myjob" --artifact "remove me" --location "target" --copyPattern "**/*.jar" |
9 |
--action addBranch --plan "ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" --branch "2.5.0" --description "Branch for tag 2.5.0" --enable |
10 |
--action addBranch --plan "ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" --branch "2.6.0" --name "Release 2.6.0" |
11 |
--action addComment --build "XXX-DEF" --comment "This is a comment added by automation" |
12 |
--action addComment --build "XXX-DEF" --number "903" --file "src/itest/resources/data.txt" --findReplace "xxx:yyy" |
13 |
--action addEnvironment --deploymentProject "Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" --name "DEV" |
14 |
--action addEnvironment --deploymentProject "Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" --name "QA" --description "Environment description" |
15 |
--action addEnvironment --deploymentProject "Deploy ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" --name "QA" |
16 |
--action addEnvironmentTask --deploymentProject "Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" --environment "QA" --taskKey "SCRIPT" --field1 scriptLocation --value1 INLINE --field2 scriptBody --value2 "echo xxx > out.txt" |
17 |
--action addEnvironmentTask --deploymentProject "Deploy ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" --environment "QA" --taskKey "SCRIPT" --field1 scriptLocation --value1 INLINE --field2 scriptBody --value2 "echo xxx > out.txt" |
18 |
--action addEnvironmentTrigger --deploymentProject "Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" --environment "QA" --type "AfterSuccessfulPlan" |
19 |
--action addEnvironmentTrigger --deploymentProject "Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" --environment "QA" --type "After successful stage" --stage "FIRST" |
20 |
--action addEnvironmentTrigger --deploymentProject "Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" --environment "QA" --type "Scheduled" --description "scheduled trigger" --schedule "1 0 0 ? * *" |
21 |
--action addJob --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --description "My job 1 description" --stage "My stage 1" --job "my job another" |
22 |
--action addJob --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --name "my job 1" --stage "My stage 1" --job "myjob" |
23 |
--action addJob --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --job "JOB1" --stage "Stage 1" |
24 |
--action addLabels --build "XXX-DEF" --labels "testlabel1, testlabel2" |
25 |
--action addLabels --build "XXX-DEF" --number -1 --labels "testlabel1 testlabel2" |
26 |
--action addLabels --labels "morelabel1" --searchLabels "testlabel1 testlabel2" |
27 |
--action addRepository --name "global (delete me)" --repositoryKey "GIT" --fields "repository.git.repositoryUrl:'https://code.appfire.com/scm/public/groovy-2.1.2.git'" --replace |
28 |
--action addRepository --name "global (delete me)" --repositoryKey "GIT" --fields "repository.git.repositoryUrl:'https://code.appfire.com/scm/public/groovy-2.1.2.git',repository.git.authenticationType:NONE,repository.git.username:,repository.git.password:,repository.git.branch:master,repository.git.commandTimeout:2,selectedWebRepositoryViewer:'bamboo.webrepositoryviewer.provided:noRepositoryViewer'" |
29 |
--action addRepository --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --repositoryKey "GIT" --name "groovy" --fields "repository.git.repositoryUrl:'https://code.appfire.com/scm/public/groovy-2.1.2.git',repository.git.authenticationType:NONE,repository.git.username:,repository.git.password:,repository.git.branch:master,repository.git.commandTimeout:2,selectedWebRepositoryViewer:'bamboo.webrepositoryviewer.provided:noRepositoryViewer'" |
30 |
--action addRepository --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --name "example" --description "example" |
31 |
--action addRequirement --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --job "JOB1" --requirement "my-custom-requirement" --type "equal" --value "mine" |
32 |
--action addRequirement --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --job "JOB1" --requirement "system.builder.ant.Ant" |
33 |
--action addStage --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --name "My stage 2" --description "My stage description" |
34 |
--action addStage --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --stage "My stage 1" --description "My stage description" |
35 |
--action addStage --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --stage "Stage 1" |
36 |
--action addTask --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --job "JOB1" --taskKey "com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script" --description "initial description before update" --fields "argument:aaaaa,environmentVariables:eeeee=vvvvv" --field1 "scriptLocation" --value1 "INLINE" --field2 "scriptBody" --value2 "echo 'exitCode: \\${bamboo.exitCode}'; exit \\${bamboo.exitCode} " |
37 |
--action addTask --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --job "JOB1" --taskKey "com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script" --description "task description" --fields "argument:aaaaa,environmentVariables:eeeee=vvvvv" --field1 "scriptLocation" --value1 "INLINE" --field2 "scriptBody" --value2 "echo 'exitCode: \\${bamboo.exitCode}'; exit \\${bamboo.exitCode} " |
38 |
--action addTask --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --job "myjobanother" --taskKey "com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script" --description "initial description before update" --fields "argument:aaaaa,environmentVariables:eeeee=vvvvv" --field1 "scriptLocation" --value1 "INLINE" --field2 "scriptBody" --value2 "echo 'exitCode: \\${bamboo.exitCode}'; exit \\${bamboo.exitCode} " |
39 |
--action addTask --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --job "myjob" --taskKey "SCRIPT" --description "initial description before update" --fields "argument:aaaaa,environmentVariables:eeeee=vvvvv" --field1 "scriptLocation" --value1 "INLINE" --field2 "scriptBody" --value2 "echo 'exitCode: \\${bamboo.exitCode}'; exit \\${bamboo.exitCode} " |
40 |
--action addTask --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --job "JOB1" --description "Fail" --taskKey "SCRIPT" --field1 "scriptLocation" --value1 "INLINE" --field2 "scriptBody" --value2 "exit -1" --disable |
41 |
--action addTask --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --job "JOB1" --description "Long" --taskKey "SCRIPT" --field1 "scriptLocation" --value1 "INLINE" --field2 "scriptBody" --value2 "sleep 30s exit -1" --disable |
42 |
--action addTask --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --job "JOB1" --description "Success" --taskKey "SCRIPT" --field1 "scriptLocation" --value1 "INLINE" --field2 "scriptBody" --value2 "exit 0" |
43 |
--action addTrigger --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --type "Polling" |
44 |
--action addTrigger --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --type "Polling" --description "polling trigger interval" --repository "example" --schedule "3600" |
45 |
--action addTrigger --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --type "Polling" --description "polling trigger scheduled" --repository "example" --schedule "2 0 0 ? * *" |
46 |
--action addTrigger --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --type "Remote" --description "remote trigger" --repository "example" |
47 |
--action addTrigger --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --type "Remote" --description "remote trigger restricted" --repository "example" --ipRestriction "," |
48 |
--action addTrigger --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --type "Scheduled" --description "scheduled trigger" --schedule "1 0 0 ? * *" |
49 |
--action addTrigger --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --type "Scheduled" --schedule "9:35" |
50 |
--action addVariables --fields "Zv.a:value a,Zv.b:value b" --field1 "Zv.1" --value1 "value 1 0489170" --field2 "Zv_2" --value2 "value 2 :;<>,.?/~#$%^&*()_+'" --field3 "ZGLOBALpassword" --value3 "XXX" --replace |
51 |
--action addVariables --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-RemoveTesting" --fields "Zv.a:value a,Zv.b:value b" --field1 "Zv.1" --value1 "value 1 0489170" --field2 "Zv_2" --value2 "value 2 :;<>,.?/~#$%^&*()_+'" --field3 "ZPLANpassword" --value3 "XXX" --replace |
52 |
--action clonePlan --build "ZTEMPLATE-checkout1" --file "target/output/bamboocli/clonePlancheckout1Disable.txt" --toPlan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1Disable" --disable |
53 |
--action clonePlan --build "ZTEMPLATE-checkout1" --file "target/output/bamboocli/clonePlancheckout1.txt" --toPlan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --name "Clone of checkout1" --description "Created based on ZTEMPLATE-checkout1" |
54 |
--action clonePlan --build "ZTEMPLATE-notask" --file "target/output/bamboocli/clonePlannotaskDisable.txt" --toPlan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-notaskDisable" --disable |
55 |
--action clonePlan --build "ZTEMPLATE-notask" --file "target/output/bamboocli/clonePlannotask.txt" --toPlan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-notask" --name "Clone of notask" --description "Created based on ZTEMPLATE-notask" |
56 |
--action clonePlan --plan "ZTEMPLATE-checkout1" --file "target/output/bamboocli/clonePlanRemoveTesting.txt" --toPlan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-RemoveTesting" --name "Remove testing" |
57 |
--action cloneProject --project "ZTEMPLATE" --toProject "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170CLONE" |
58 |
--action cloneProject --project "ZTEMPLATE" --toProject "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170CLONEDisable" --disable |
59 |
--action createDeploymentProject --plan "ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" --name "Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" --description "Description for deploy" |
60 |
--action createDeploymentProject --plan "ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" --branch "2.5.0" --name "Deploy ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" |
61 |
--action createOrUpdatePlan --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --description "Updated" |
62 |
--action createOrUpdatePlan --plan "ZCREATE2629522-EMPTY" --projectName "ZCREATE2629522 created project" |
63 |
--action createPlan --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --projectName "ZCREATE2629522 created project" |
64 |
--action createPlan --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --name "Simple plan BB" --description "Simple plan BB description" |
65 |
--action deleteDeploymentProject --deploymentProject "1234567890" --continue |
66 |
--action deleteDeploymentProject --deploymentProject "Deploy ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" |
67 |
--action deletePlan --build "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-notask" --verbose |
68 |
--action deployEnvironment --deploymentProject "Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" --environment "QA" --version "1.0.0" |
69 |
--action deployEnvironment --deploymentProject "Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" --environment "QA" --version "1.0.0" --replace |
70 |
--action deployEnvironment --deploymentProject "Deploy ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" --environment "QA" --version "1.0.0" |
71 |
--action disableAgent --agent "Z Added 2" |
72 |
--action disableJob --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --job "myjob" |
73 |
--action disablePlan --build "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" |
74 |
--action disablePlan --build "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-notask" |
75 |
--action disableProject --project "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170" |
76 |
--action enableAgent --agent "Z Added 2" |
77 |
--action enableJob --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --job "myjob" |
78 |
--action enablePlan --build "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" |
79 |
--action enablePlan --build "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-notask" |
80 |
--action enableProject --project "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170" |
81 |
--action exportPlan --file "target/output/export/exportPlanJava.txt" --plan "ZEXPORT0347276-Base" --type "java" --dateFormat "yyyy-MM-dd" |
82 |
--action exportPlan --plan "ZEXPORT0347276-Base" --dateFormat "yyyy-MM-dd" |
83 |
--action exportPlan --plan "ztemplate-checkout1" --type "cli" --dateFormat "yyyy-MM-dd" |
84 |
--action getAgentList |
85 |
--action getAgentList --outputFormat 2 |
86 |
--action getAgentList --regex "Z Added 3" --columns "id" |
87 |
--action getArtifactDefinitionList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" |
88 |
--action getArtifact --file "target/output/bamboocli" --build "XXX-DEF" --artifact "src/main" --replace |
89 |
--action getArtifact --file "target/output/bamboocli" --build "XXX-DEF" --artifact "src" --replace |
90 |
--action getArtifact --file "target/output/bamboocli/getArtifactJobAll.txt" --build "XXX-DEF" --artifact "notices" --job "@ALL" |
91 |
--action getArtifact --file "target/output/bamboocli/getArtifact.txt" --build "XXX-DEF" --artifact "notices" --job "JOB1" |
92 |
--action getArtifact --file "target/output/bamboocli/getArtifactWithPath.txt" --build "XXX-DEF" --artifact "src/itest/groovy/cli.gant" |
93 |
--action getArtifact --job "JOB1" --file "target/output/bamboocli/getArtifactWithResultName.txt" --build "XXX-DEF-903" --artifact "notices" |
94 |
--action getArtifactList --build "XXX-DEF" |
95 |
--action getArtifactList --build "XXX-DEF" --job "@all" --regex "not.*" |
96 |
--action getArtifactList --build "XXX-DEF" --job "JOB1" |
97 |
--action getBranchList --plan "ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" |
98 |
--action getBranchList --plan "ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" --regex ".*2.5.0" |
99 |
--action getBranch --plan "ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" --branch "2.5.0" |
100 |
--action getBranch --plan "ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" --branch "Release 2.6.0" |
101 |
--action getBuild --build "XXX-DEF-903" |
102 |
--action getBuild --build "XXX-DEF" --dateFormat "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
103 |
--action getBuildList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" |
104 |
--action getBuildList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --field1 "notState" --value1 "UNKNOWN" |
105 |
--action getBuildList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --field1 "started" --value1 "2017-06-14T10:03:49.525-0500" --dateFormat "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" |
106 |
--action getBuildList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --field1 "STARTED" --value1 "2017-06-14T10:05:20.467-0500" --outputFormat 2 --dateFormat "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" |
107 |
--action getBuildList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --field1 "started" --value1 "-24h" --dateFormat "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" --verbose |
108 |
--action getBuildList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --field1 "started" --value1 "today" --dateFormat "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" --verbose |
109 |
--action getBuildList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --field1 "sTaTe" --value1 "successful" |
110 |
--action getBuildList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --outputFormat 999 |
111 |
--action getBuildList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --outputFormat 999 --dateFormat "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
112 |
--action getBuildList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-EMPTY" |
113 |
--action getBuildList --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-LONGRUNNING" |
114 |
--action getBuildQueueList |
115 |
--action getBuildQueueList --build "XXX-DEF" |
116 |
--action getBuildQueueList --project "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170" |
117 |
--action getClientInfo |
118 |
--action getCommentList --build "XXX-DEF" --number "903" |
119 |
--action getDeploymentProject --deploymentProject "Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" |
120 |
--action getDeploymentProjectList |
121 |
--action getEnvironment --deploymentProject "Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" --environment "QA" |
122 |
--action getEnvironmentList --deploymentProject "Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" |
123 |
--action getJobList --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" |
124 |
--action getJobList --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" --regex "TEST2.*" |
125 |
--action getLabelList --build "XXX-DEF" --number -1 |
126 |
--action getLatestBuildNumber --build "XXX-DEF" |
127 |
--action getLatestBuildNumber --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-LONGRUNNING" |
128 |
--action getNotificationList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-NOTIFICATIONS" |
129 |
--action getPlanList --project "@all" --excludeDisabled --outputFormat 999 --dateFormat "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
130 |
--action getPlanList --project "@all" --favorite |
131 |
--action getPlanList --project "@all" --file "target/output/create/getPlanList.txt" |
132 |
--action getPlanList --project "XXX" --excludeDisabled |
133 |
--action getPlanList --project "XXX" --excludeEnabled |
134 |
--action getPlanList --project "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT" |
135 |
--action getPlan --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1Disable" |
136 |
--action getPlan --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --verbose |
137 |
--action getPlan --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170CLONE-checkout1" |
138 |
--action getPlan --project "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170CLONE" --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170CLONE-CHECKOUT1" |
139 |
--action getProjectList |
140 |
--action getProjectList --file "target/output/bamboocli/deleteProjects.txt" --regex "ZBAMBOOCLI.*" --columns "key" |
141 |
--action getProjectList --file "target/output/create/deleteProjects.txt" --regex "ZCREATE.*" --columns "key" |
142 |
--action getProjectList --file "target/output/deploy/deleteProjects.txt" --regex "ZDEPLOY.*" --columns "key" |
143 |
--action getProjectList --file "target/output/export/deleteProjects.txt" --regex "ZEXPORT.*" --columns "key" |
144 |
--action getProjectList --file "target/output/tasks/deleteProjects.txt" --regex "ZTASKS.*" --columns "key" |
145 |
--action getRepositoryList |
146 |
--action getRepositoryList --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" |
147 |
--action getRepositoryList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-RepositoryOrdering" |
148 |
--action getRepository --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --name "example" |
149 |
--action getRepository --plan "ZTEMPLATE-checkout1" --repository "groovy-task" |
150 |
--action getServerInfo |
151 |
--action getServerInfo --outputFormat 999 --dateFormat "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
152 |
--action getStageList --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" |
153 |
--action getStageList --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" --regex "A.*" |
154 |
--action getStageList --project "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT" --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" |
155 |
--action getStage --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" --stage "B" |
156 |
--action getStage --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" --stage "B updated" |
157 |
--action getTaskList --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --job "JOB1" |
158 |
--action getTaskList --plan "ZTASKS0392799-TASKS" --job "JOB1" |
159 |
--action getTask --plan "ZTASKS0392799-TASKS" --job "JOB1" --task 1 |
160 |
--action getTask --plan "ZTASKS0392799-TASKS" --job "JOB1" --task "@all" |
161 |
--action getTaskTypeList |
162 |
--action getVariableList |
163 |
--action getVariableList --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-RemoveTesting" |
164 |
--action moveStage --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" --stage "A" --after "B updated" |
165 |
--action moveStage --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" --stage "FIRST" |
166 |
--action moveTask --plan "ZTASKS0392799-TASKS" --job "JOB1" --task "1" --final |
167 |
--action moveTask --plan "ZTASKS0392799-TASKS" --job "JOB1" --task 3 --final --after 5 |
168 |
--action moveTask --plan "ZTASKS0392799-TASKS" --job "JOB1" --task "Script" |
169 |
--action orderRepository --plan "ZCREATE2629522-RepositoryOrdering" --repository "example2" |
170 |
--action orderRepository --plan "ZCREATE2629522-RepositoryOrdering" --repository "example2" --after "cli" |
171 |
--action queueBuild --build "XXX-DEF" --wait |
172 |
--action queueBuild --build "XXX-FAIL" --wait --continue |
173 |
--action queueBuild --build "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --wait --continue |
174 |
--action queueBuild --build "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --wait --timeout 90 --field1 "exitCode" --value1 "0" --verbose |
175 |
--action queueBuild --build "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --wait --timeout 90 --fields "exitCode: 0" --verbose |
176 |
--action queueBuild --build "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-notask" --wait --continue |
177 |
--action queueBuildFromList --list "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --field1 "started" --value1 "2017-06-14T10:03:49.525-0500" |
178 |
--action queueBuild --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --continue |
179 |
--action queueBuild --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --field1 "started" --value1 "2017-06-14T10:03:49.525-0500" --field2 "state" --value2 "SUCCESSFUL" |
180 |
--action queueBuild --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --field1 "started" --value1 "XXX-DEF" |
181 |
--action queueBuild --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --field1 "started" --value1 "ZCREATE2629522-BB-1" |
182 |
--action queueBuild --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --wait --continue |
183 |
--action queueBuild --plan "ZCREATE2629522-EMPTY" --wait --continue |
184 |
--action queueBuild --plan "ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" --wait |
185 |
--action queueBuild --plan "ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" --branch "2.5.0" --wait |
186 |
--action removeAgent --agent "Z Added 1" --verbose |
187 |
--action removeAgent --agent "Z Added 2" |
188 |
--action removeAgent --agent "Z Added 2" --continue |
189 |
--action removeAgentAssignment --agent "Z Added 1" --assignment "ZCREATE2629522" |
190 |
--action removeAgentAssignment --agent "Z Added 1" --assignment "ZCREATE2629522-AA" |
191 |
--action removeAgentAssignment --agent "Z Added 1" --assignment "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --continue |
192 |
--action removeAgentAssignment --agent "Z Added 1" --assignment "ZCREATE2629522-AA-myJob" |
193 |
--action removeAgentAssignment --agent "Z Added 1" --assignment "ZCREATE2629522-AA-myJob" --continue |
194 |
--action removeAgent --id "78643461" |
195 |
--action removeAgent --id "78643461" --continue |
196 |
--action removeArtifact --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --job "myjob" --artifact "remove me" |
197 |
--action removeBranch --plan "ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" --branch "2.5.0" |
198 |
--action removeBranch --plan "ZTEMPLATE-CHECKOUT1" --branch "@all" |
199 |
--action removeLabels --build "XXX-DEF" --labels "test.*" |
200 |
--action removeLabels --build "XXX-DEF" --number -1 --labels ".*" |
201 |
--action removeLabels --build "XXX-DEF" --number -1 --labels "notfound" |
202 |
--action removeLabels --build "XXX-DEF" --number -1 --labels "testlabel1, testlabel2, notfound" |
203 |
--action removeLabels --labels "morelabel1" --searchLabels "testlabel1,testlabel2" |
204 |
--action removeRepository --id "77564825" |
205 |
--action removeRepository --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --id "77564824" |
206 |
--action removeRepository --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" --name "NOT_FOUND" --continue |
207 |
--action removeTask --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --job "JOB1" --id "2" |
208 |
--action removeTask --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-RemoveTesting" --job "JOB1" --task "@all" |
209 |
--action removeTrigger --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --id "-1" |
210 |
--action removeTrigger --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --id "2" --verbose |
211 |
--action removeVariables --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-RemoveTesting" --field1 "@all" --value1 "xx" |
212 |
--action renderRequest --build "XXX-DEF" --file "target/output/bamboocli/renderRequestBuild.txt" |
213 |
--action renderRequest --build "XXX-DEF" --job "JOB1" --file "target/output/bamboocli/renderRequestConfig.txt" --request "/config" |
214 |
--action renderRequest --build "XXX-DEF" --job "JOB1" --file "target/output/bamboocli/renderRequestJob.txt" |
215 |
--action renderRequest --file "target/output/bamboocli/renderRequestConfig2.txt" --request "/browse/XXX-DEF-JOB1/config" |
216 |
--action renderRequest --file "target/output/create/verifyTriggers.txt" --request "chain/admin/config/editChainTriggers.action" --requestParameters "buildKey=ZCREATE2629522-AA" |
217 |
--action renderRequest --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --job "JOB1" --file "target/output/bamboocli/renderRequestBuildResultcheckout1.txt" --request "-2/log" |
218 |
--action renderRequest --verbose --quiet --request "/chain/admin/config/editChainRepository.action?buildKey=XXX-DEF" --findReplaceRegex ".*(repositoryId=\\d+).*:\\$1" |
219 |
--action restartBuild --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-LONGRUNNING" --wait |
220 |
--action run |
221 |
--action run --continue |
222 |
--action run --file "src/itest/resources/add-remove.txt" --findReplace "%PLAN%:ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN,%PLAN_NAME%:Plan created by script,%PLAN_DESCRIPTION%:Plan description,%PROJECT_NAME%:Project created by script 2629522,%STAGE_DESCRIPTION%:First stage" |
223 |
--action run --file "src/itest/resources/create-plan-long-running.txt" --findReplace "%PLAN%:ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-LONGRUNNING,%SLEEP%:15" |
224 |
--action run --file "src/itest/resources/create-plan-standard-tasks.txt" --findReplace "%project%:ZCREATE2629522,%plan%:STANDARDTASKSFROMLIST" |
225 |
--action run --file "src/itest/resources/create-plan.txt" --findReplace "%PLAN%:ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN,%PLAN_NAME%:Plan created by script,%PLAN_DESCRIPTION%:Plan description,%PROJECT_NAME%:Project created by script 2629522,%STAGE_DESCRIPTION%:First stage" |
226 |
--action run --file "src/itest/resources/renderRequest.txt" --findReplace "@build@:XXX-DEF" |
227 |
--action run --file "src/itest/resources/run.txt" |
228 |
--action runFromAgentList --common "-a getServerInfo --comment ~agent: @agent@, id: @agentId@~" --regex "Z Added .*" --special " ~" |
229 |
--action runFromDeploymentProjectList --common "-a getClientInfo --options ~deploymentProject: @deploymentProject@, id: @deploymentProjectId@~" --special " # ~" |
230 |
--action runFromDeploymentProjectList --regex ".*ZDEPLOY\\d+.*" --common "-a deleteDeploymentProject --deploymentProject @deploymentProjectId@" |
231 |
--action runFromEnvironmentList --deploymentProject "Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE" --common "-a getEnvironment --deploymentProject ~Deploy ZDEPLOY0347272-BASE~ --environment @environmentId@" --special " ~" |
232 |
--action runFromJobList --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" --common "-a getServerInfo --comment ~project: @project@, name: @projectName@, plan: @plan@, name: @planName@, stageId: @stageId@, stage: @stage@, job: @job@, jobName: @jobName@~" --special " ~" |
233 |
--action runFromJobList --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" --stage "A" --common "-a getServerInfo --comment ~project: @project@, name: @projectName@, plan: @plan@, name: @planName@, stageId: @stageId@, stage: @stage@, job: @job@, jobName: @jobName@~" --special " ~" |
234 |
--action runFromList --list "A,B" --clearFileBeforeAppend --file "-" |
235 |
--action runFromList --list "Client, Server" --common "-a get@entry@Info" |
236 |
--action runFromPlanList --project "@aLL" --common "-a getServerInfo --comment ~project: @project@, name: @projectName@, plan: @plan@~" --special " ~" --limit 7 |
237 |
--action runFromPlanList --project "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT" --common "-a getServerInfo --comment ~project: @project@, name: @projectName@, plan: @plan@, name: @planName@~" --special " ~" |
238 |
--action runFromProjectList --common "-a getServerInfo --comment ~project: @project@, name: @projectName@~" --limit 2 --special " ~" |
239 |
--action runFromRepositoryList --common "-a getServerInfo --comment ~repository: @repository@, id: @repositoryId@~" --regex ".*example.*" --special " ~" |
240 |
--action runFromSql --file "src/itest/resources/run.sql" --host "localhost" --port "5433" --driver "postgresql" --database "test" --dbPassword "automation" |
241 |
--action runFromStageList --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" --common "-a getServerInfo --comment ~project: @project@, name: @projectName@, plan: @plan@, name: @planName@, stageId: @stageId@, stage: @stage@~" --special " ~" |
242 |
--action run < src/itest/resources/run.txt |
243 |
--action run --verbose |
244 |
--action setDependencyOptions --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" --childPlans "ZCREATE2629522-BB, ZCREATE2629522-EMPTY" |
245 |
--action setFavoritePlan --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" |
246 |
--action stopBuild --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-LONGRUNNING" |
247 |
--action unsetFavoritePlan --plan "ZCREATE2629522-AA" |
248 |
--action updateRepository --id "77564825" --name "global updated (delete me)" --fields "repository.git.repositoryUrl:'https://code.appfire.com/scm/public/groovy-2.1.2.git'" |
249 |
--action updateRepository --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --id "77564824" --name "groovy updated" --fields "repository.git.repositoryUrl:'https://code.appfire.com/scm/public/groovy-2.1.2.git'" |
250 |
--action updateStage --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" --stage "B" --manual --name "B updated" --description "Updated description" |
251 |
--action updateStage --plan "ZCREATE2629522SCRIPT-PLAN" --stage "B updated" |
252 |
--action updateTask --plan "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" --job "JOB1" --id "2" --description "task description" --fields "argument:aaaaa,environmentVariables:eeeee=vvvvv" --field1 "scriptLocation" --value1 "INLINE" --field2 "scriptBody" --value2 "echo 'exitCode: \\${bamboo.exitCode}'; exit \\${bamboo.exitCode} " --taskKey "SCRIPT" |
253 |
--action updateTask --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --job "JOB1" --description "Fail" --taskKey "SCRIPT" --field1 "scriptLocation" --value1 "INLINE" --field2 "scriptBody" --value2 "exit -1" --id "3" |
254 |
--action updateTask --plan "ZCREATE2629522-BB" --job "JOB1" --description "Long" --taskKey "SCRIPT" --field1 "scriptLocation" --value1 "INLINE" --field2 "scriptBody" --value2 "sleep 30s exit -1" --id "2" |
255 |
--action validateLicense |
256 |
--action verifyBuild --build "XXX-DEF-903" |
257 |
--action verifyBuild --build "ZBAMBOOCLI0489170-checkout1" |
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