Actions - 8.3.0
Action |
Description |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
Category |
Type |
1 |
Add a local agent. |
Agents |
Create |
2 |
Assign a project, plan, job, deployment project, or environment to a specific agent. This makes the agent dedicated to only perform builds for all assignments. If deployment or environment names are used instead of keys, type must be provided to indicate assignment represents a DEPLOYMENT_PROJECT or ENVIRONMENT. Use continue to ignore already exists error. Use --options autoAgent to automatically create a local agent if it does not already exist. |
Agent Assignments |
Create |
3 |
Add an application link to another application. By default, both incoming and outgoing links are enabled and configured without impersonation (users are not shared). Use the options parameter to customize the behavior. Use '--options impersonate' to enable shared users. Other examples are '--options disableIncoming' and '--options disableOutgoing'. If another link of the same type already exists as primary, use '--options primary' to force the new link to be primary instead. |
Links |
Create |
4 |
Add an artifact definition to a job. |
Artifacts |
Create |
5 |
Add an artifact dependency to a job. Artifact must be a shared artifact from another job. |
Artifacts |
Create |
6 |
Add a branch to a plan. The plan branch will be disabled by default. For add, the branch parameter refers to the repository branch. An optional name for the plan branch can be specified, otherwise the repository branch name will be used. |
Branches |
Create |
7 |
Add a shared or agent specific server capability. |
agent, name, value, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Create |
8 |
Add a comment to a build. |
number, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, input, file, encoding |
Comments |
Create |
9 |
Add SSH, AWS, or user based credentials. For SSH, provide a file with the SSH private key. For AWS, provide an access key and secret. |
credentials, userId or file or accessKeyId and accessKey |
Create |
10 |
Add an environment to deployment project. |
Deployment |
Create |
11 |
Add a notification to a deployment environment. There are 2 parts to a notification - an event that triggers the notification and a recipient type that determines the notification protocol. There are built-in notifications and others provided by add-ons. A recipient type may have additional parameters. Generally, these can be specified by the field and values parameters. In some cases, pre-defined parameters are available. |
Deployment |
Create |
12 |
Add a requirement to a deployment environment. |
Deployment |
Create |
13 |
Add a task to a deployment environment. |
Deployment |
Create |
14 |
Add a trigger to a deployment project. Pre-defined types are: scheduled, afterSuccessfulStage, afterSuccessfulPlan, afterSuccessfulDeployment. One or more repositories can be specified for pre-defined type triggers based on repositories. Custom types can be specified with the appropriate trigger key (or alias) and all required parameters using the various field parameters. |
repository, branch, schedule, ipRestriction, triggeringEnvironment, disable, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Deployment |
Create |
15 |
Add deployment environment variables. Use the field parameters for the variable name and the corresponding value parameters for the variable values. |
Deployment |
Create |
16 |
Add a new group. |
Groups |
Create |
17 |
Add a job to a stage. |
Jobs |
Create |
18 |
Add a comma separated list of labels to a build or plan. |
Labels |
Create |
19 |
Add a plan notification. There are 2 parts to a notification - an event that triggers the notification and a recipient type that determines the notification protocol. There are built-in notifications and others provided by add-ons. A recipient type may have additional parameters. Generally, these can be specified by the field and values parameters. In some cases, pre-defined parameters are available. |
Notifications |
Create |
20 |
Add a global or plan repository. If both a name and repository are provided, the name will be used for the Bamboo name and repository will be used for the Bitbucket reposiotry. For a plan repository, you can reference a linked (global) repository. Otherwise a valid repository key or alias is required. Valid aliases are: BITBUCKET, BITBUCKET_CLOUD, BITBUCKET_SERVER, STASH, BCVS, GIT, GITHUB, MERCURIAL, PERFORCE, SUBVERSION. If the credentials parameter is provided the appropriate fields will be added automatically for GIT, Mercurial, and Bitbucket Cloud repositories. |
repository or name |
plan, repositoryKey, credentials, type, branch, continue, replace, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Repositories |
Create |
21 |
Add requirement to a plan job. Type defaults to EXISTS. |
Requirements |
Create |
22 |
Add a stage to a plan. |
Stages |
Create |
23 |
description, disable, final, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Tasks |
Create |
24 |
Add a trigger to a plan. Pre-defined types are: polling, remote, remoteBitbucketServer, scheduled. One or more repositories can be specified for pre-defined type triggers based on repositories or custom types. Polling triggers default to all plan repositories or use repository @all. Custom types can be specified with the appropriate trigger key (or alias) and all required parameters using the various field parameters. Use of the name parameter is deprecated - description should be used instead. |
description, repository, schedule, successfulPlans, ipRestriction, disable, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Triggers |
Create |
25 |
Add a new user. User can be added to a group (or groups) using the group parameter. |
Users |
Create |
26 |
Add global or plan variables. Defaults to global variables unless a plan is specified. Use the field parameters for the variable name and the corresponding value parameters for the variable values. |
plan, replace, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Variables |
Create |
27 |
Clone an environment within a deployment project. |
Deployment |
Create |
28 |
Clone a plan. The disable parameter is deprecated and no longer works on Bamboo 6.4 or higher. |
Plans |
Create |
29 |
Clone each plan in a project to another project. If toProject is not provided, the plans will be cloned to the same project. If the toProject does not exist, it will be created with name provided by projectName. |
Projects |
Create |
30 |
Create a deployment project for a plan. |
Deployment |
Create |
31 |
Same as createPlan when plan does not exist. However, it will update an existing plan's name and description. |
Plans |
Create |
32 |
Create a new plan. Provide a 2-part plan key where the first part is the project key. If the project key does not exist, it will be created with the provided project name. Use continue to ignore the request if the plan already exists. Use replace to replace an existing plan, which, by default, follows a move, delete, create scenario. Use '--options clear' to modify the replace scenario to only clearing most plan constructs so they can be reconstructed later. See the documentation on Plan Creation Scripting for more details. |
name, projectName, description, disable, replace, continue, options |
Plans |
Create |
33 |
Bamboo 6.2 and higher. Create a new project. |
Projects |
Create |
34 |
Delete a deployment project by name or id. |
Deployment |
Delete |
35 |
Delete a plan. |
Plans |
Delete |
36 |
Delete project and all project plans. |
Projects |
Delete |
37 |
Deploy environment. To promote (re-deploy) an existing version, use --replace. |
Deployment |
38 |
Disable an agent. |
Agents |
Update |
39 |
Disable a job from running. Use @all for job to disable all jobs in a stage. |
Jobs |
Update |
40 |
Disable a plan from running. |
Plans |
Update |
41 |
Disable all project plans. |
Projects |
Update |
42 |
Enable an agent. |
Agents |
Update |
43 |
Enable a job to run. Use @all for job to enable all jobs in a stage. |
Jobs |
Update |
44 |
Enable a plan to run. |
Plans |
Update |
45 |
Enable all project plans. |
Projects |
Update |
46 |
Export a deployment project to source that can be used for deployment project creation. |
Deployment |
Export |
47 |
Export an environment for a deployment project to source. |
Deployment |
Export |
48 |
Export a job to CLI source. |
Jobs |
Export |
49 |
Export a plan to source that can be used for plan creation. Valid export types are CLI, JAVA. |
Plans |
Export |
50 |
Export site to the exports directory in the home directory. By default, only the configuration is exported. Set appropriate options parameters to export additional data: exportResults, exportArtifacts, exportBuildLogs. Use the name parameter to set the file name, otherwise it will be automatically generated based on the date of the export using the date format requested. |
Export |
51 |
Get a list of assignments for agents with regex filtering on entity key or name. Specify an agent to filter by agent. Specify an assignment type to filter on type. Valid types are PROJECT, PLAN, JOB, DEPLOYMENT_PROJECT, ENVIRONMENT. |
Agent Assignments |
Get |
52 |
Get a list of agents based on regex filtering of agent names. |
excludeEnabled, excludeDisabled, limit, regex, file, append, encoding, columns |
Agents |
Get |
53 |
Get app information if installed. Use '--app @default' for the CLI app. |
App |
Get |
54 |
Get information for an application link identified by name or url. |
Links |
Get |
55 |
Get list of a application links with optional filtering on application type and regex filtering on the name or url. Use '--options excludeSystemLinks' to exclude system defined links. Example types: jira, confluence. |
type, options, limit, regex, outputFormat, file, append, columns, encoding |
Links |
Get |
56 |
Download a copy of a build artifact into a file or directory. Uses same parameters and logic as getArtifactList for identifying build result artifacts to search. For artifacts that represent a directory, specify an existing directory or use '--options mkdir' to create the directory path to download all files for the artifact. Otherwise, the html for the artifact will be downloaded to the file. Alternatively, use the artifact name plus the path to the file in the artifact to get a single artifact file. |
Artifacts |
Get |
57 |
Get a list of artifact definitions for a plan with regex filtering on artifact name. |
Artifacts |
Get |
58 |
Get a list of build result artifacts. When the build does not include a job portion, only shared artifacts are provided. Use @all for the job parameter to get both sharted and non-shared artifacts for all plan jobs. |
Artifacts |
Get |
59 |
Get information for a branch to a plan. Branch can be either the short or long name of the branch. |
Branches |
Get |
60 |
Get a list of branches for a plan with regex filtering on branch name, short name, or full key. |
Branches |
Get |
61 |
Get branching options for a plan. |
Branches |
Get |
62 |
Get build result. |
Builds |
Get |
63 |
Get a list of build results. Build results can be filtered by using fields and values. Supported fields are state, notState, started, endedBefore. For example, include only successful results by using: --field1 state --value SUCCESSFUL, or include only builds started after a specific date use: --field2 started --value2 2016-04-30 --dateFormat yyyy-MM-dd. Default limit is 25. |
labels, issues, limit, columns, file, append, encoding, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Builds |
Get |
64 |
Get a list of builds waiting in the build queue. Subset by project or build. |
Builds |
Get |
65 |
Get a list of shared or agent specific capabilities with regex filtering on capability key or name (label). Use @all for agent to get shared and agent specific capabilities. Specify --options includeUnreferenced to include unreferenced server capabilities keys known to the system. |
agent, options, regex, options, limit, file, append, encoding |
Lists |
Get |
66 |
Get information about this client tool. |
Info |
Get |
67 |
Get a list of comments for a build. |
Comments |
Get |
68 |
Get a list of credentials based on regex filtering of credentials name. |
Lists |
Get |
69 |
Get information for a deployment project by name or id. |
Deployment |
Get |
70 |
Get a list of deployment projects based on regex filtering of project names. |
Deployment |
Get |
71 |
Get information for an environment from a deployment project by name or id. |
Deployment |
Get |
72 |
Get a list of environments for a deployment project based on regex filtering of environment names. |
Deployment |
Get |
73 |
Get a list of environment notifications. |
Deployment |
Get |
74 |
Get a list of deployment environment requirements based on regex filtering of requirement names. |
Deployment |
Get |
75 |
Get a list of tasks for a deployment environments with regex filtering of task name or description. |
Deployment |
Get |
76 |
Get information for a deployment environment trigger. |
Deployment |
Get |
77 |
Get a list of environment triggers for a deployment environment based on regex filtering of trigger names or descriptions. |
Deployment |
Get |
78 |
Get a list of deployment environment variables based on regex filtering of variable names. |
Deployment |
Get |
79 |
Get job information. |
Jobs |
Get |
80 |
Get a list of jobs for a plan with regex filtering on job key or name. Subset by stage if desired. |
Jobs |
Get |
81 |
Get a list of labels for a build or plan. |
Labels |
Get |
82 |
Get the number of the last completed build for this plan. |
Builds |
Get |
83 |
Get a list of plan notifications. |
Notifications |
Get |
84 |
Get plan information. |
Plans |
Get |
85 |
Get a list of plans for a project with regex filtering on plan key or name. Additionally, use labels parameter to filter by labels. Use @all for project to get a list of plans across all projects. To also include branch plans in the list, use --options "includeBranchPlans". Advanced filtering based on state and date of the latest build for the plan is also available. See getBuildList for more information. Advanced filtering based on using a repository is also possible using --options "usingRepository=xxx". |
favorite, excludeDisabled, excludeEnabled, labels, options, limit, regex, outputFormat, dateFormat, columns, options, file, append, encoding, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Plans |
Get |
86 |
Get a list of projects. Projects are selected based on regex filtering on project key or name. |
Projects |
Get |
87 |
Get details of a global or plan repository. |
Repositories |
Get |
88 |
Get a list of global or plan repositories with regex filtering on repository name. |
Repositories |
Get |
89 |
Get a list of requirements for a job with regex filtering on requirement name. |
Requirements |
Get |
90 |
Get information about the Bamboo server. |
Info |
Get |
91 |
Get plan stage information. |
Stages |
Get |
92 |
Get a list of stages for a plan with regex filtering on stage name. |
Stages |
Get |
93 |
Get detail information on a task from a plan job. Use --task @all to give detail information on all tasks for a job. |
Tasks |
Get |
94 |
Get a list of tasks for a job with regex filtering on task name. |
Tasks |
Get |
95 |
Get a list of task types available with regex filtering on type name and description. |
Tasks |
Get |
96 |
Get information for a plan trigger. |
Triggers |
Get |
97 |
Get a list of triggers for a job based on regex filtering of trigger names or descriptions. |
Triggers |
Get |
98 |
Get list of a users with regex filtering on the userId or name. |
Users |
Get |
99 |
Get a list of global or plan variables based on regex filtering of variable names. The optional reference parameter can be used to set a CLI replacement variable for each variable with name prefixed by the reference parameter. Use 'bamboo.' to make references look similar to how bamboo variables are used. |
Variables |
Get |
100 |
Install app via UPM. Use '--app @default' for the CLI app. See UPM CLI documentation for installApp for more details. |
App |
Install |
101 |
Move an environment after or before another environment identified by name or id. If neither before or after are specified, the environment will be moved to the top. Use --after @last to move environment to the last position. After parameter takes precedence. |
Deployment |
102 |
Move one or more plans from one project to another project (existing or new) with filtering similar to getPlanList. Specifying a plan will move that plan. If plan is not specified, plans from the source project, with filtering like for getPlanList, will be moved. Plan key and name can be changed on the move by specifying toPlan and name respectively. When toPlan or name are provided for multiple plan moves, they must contain @plan@ or @planName@ replacement variables. Consider pausing the server to prevent activity during a move using the pauseServer action or specifying --options pause to have the action automatically pause the server and resume after the end of the operation. |
toPlan, name, excludeEnabled, excludeDisabled, labels, options, limit, regex |
Plans |
103 |
Change the position of a stage in a plan to be after another stage or, by default, to the top. |
Stages |
104 |
Move a task to before or after another task. Use final to make a task final. Final tasks must follow all non final tasks. If neither before or after are specified, the task will be moved to the last position respecting the final parameter. |
Tasks |
105 |
Order repository in the list of repositories for a plan. Defaults to move the repository to the top to make it the default repository. Otherwise specify the after respository name. |
Repositories |
106 |
Pause the server to prevent builds from starting. |
Server |
Stop |
107 |
Queue a build to run. If a build number is provided (number parameter or 3 part build key), an existing failed or incomplete build can be restarted. If wait is specified, the action will not complete until the queued build completes or the timeout period elapses. The action will fail if the build fails unless continue parameter is used to ignore a failed result. A specific revision can be built if the revision parameter is specified. Plan variables can be set using the field and value parameters. Plans with manual stages can be automatically continued to a specific stage or @ALL using the stage parameter provided wait is also used. Conditional queueing is supported - see the documentation for details. |
branch, revision, number, wait, stage, continue, timeout, dateFormat, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Builds |
108 |
Queue multiple builds to run and wait for results. Plans can be filtered by using the labels parameter. Project can be @all. The action will not complete until all queued builds complete or times out. If continue is specified, builds will continue to be queued even after an attempt to queue a build fails. The action will fail if any build fails or times out. Conditional queueing is supported - see the documentation for details. |
labels, regex, limit, continue, simulate, timeout, dateFormat, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Builds |
109 |
Remove an agent. |
Agents |
Delete |
110 |
Remove an assignment from a specific agent. Use continue to ignore not found error. |
Agent Assignments |
Delete |
111 |
Remove an application link identified by name or url. |
Links |
Delete |
112 |
Remove an artifact definition from a job. |
Artifacts |
Delete |
113 |
Removes a branch from a plan. Use --branch @all to remove all branches from a plan. |
Branches |
Delete |
114 |
Remove history for specific build. |
Builds |
Delete |
115 |
Remove a shared or agent specific server capability identified by key (label) or unique name. |
Delete |
116 |
Remove credentials by name or id. |
Delete |
117 |
Remove an environment from a deployment project by name or id. |
Deployment |
Delete |
118 |
Remove deployment environment notification. Use id of -1 to remove all notifications for an environment. If an id is not provided, all notifications found matching the event and recipientType will be removed. |
deploymentProject, environment, id or event and recipientType |
Deployment |
Delete |
119 |
Remove a deployment environment requirement. Specify -1 for id to remove all requirements from a plan that are eligible to be removed. |
Deployment |
Delete |
120 |
Remove a task from a deployment environment. |
Deployment |
Delete |
121 |
Remove a trigger from a deployment environment. Use --id -1 or --name @all to remove all triggers. Administrator permission required to use a name and only the first trigger with the given name will be removed. |
Deployment |
Delete |
122 |
Remove deployment environment variables. Specify the variable names using the field parameters. |
Deployment |
Delete |
123 |
Remove a group. |
Groups |
Delete |
124 |
Remove a job from a plan. |
Jobs |
Delete |
125 |
Remove labels from a build or plan. Labels can be a comma separated list or regex. |
Labels |
Delete |
126 |
Remove a plan notification. Use id of -1 to remove all notifications for a plan. If an id is not provided, all notifications found matching the event and recipientType will be removed. |
plan, id or event and recipientType |
Notifications |
Delete |
127 |
Remove global or plan repository. Use @all to remove all repositories. When removing a single plan repository, you can replace references with another repository defined for the plan by using --options "replaceRepository=XXX". |
repository or id |
Repositories |
Delete |
128 |
Remove a plan requirement. Specify -1 for id to remove all requirements from a plan that are eligible to be removed. |
Requirements |
Delete |
129 |
Remove a stage from a plan. Use --stage @all to remove all stages. Use continue to ignore not found errors. On Bamboo 6.8 and higher, stages are removed in the background. Use wait to wait for the background removal to occur before completing the action. |
Stages |
Delete |
130 |
Remove a task from a plan job. Use --task @all to remove all tasks. |
Tasks |
Delete |
131 |
Remove a trigger from a plan. Use --id -1 or --name @all to remove all triggers. Administrator permission required to use a name and only the first trigger with the given name will be removed. |
Triggers |
Delete |
132 |
Remove a user. |
Users |
Delete |
133 |
Remove global or plan variables. Specify the variable names using the field parameters. |
Variables |
Delete |
134 |
Render url based request. The response data modified by findReplace processing is returned. |
requestParameters, requestType, type, acceptType, build, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Render |
Get |
135 |
Restart a build that failed or was stopped or continue a build with unfinished manual stages. To build up to a specific manual stage, use wait and the stage parameter. Use *ALL for stage to run all stages. Use continue to ignore errors finding a build to restart or failed results. |
Builds |
136 |
Only useful in the context of a run script replacing an existing plan with createPlan. This will attempt to add agent assignments saved during createPlan and that are still valid. |
Agent Assignments |
Import |
137 |
Resume server to allow builds to be started. |
Server |
Start |
138 |
Run actions from a file, list of input parameters, or standard input. |
common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Run |
Run |
139 |
Run actions for each agent assignment with filtering like getAgentAssignment. |
agent, type, limit, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Agent Assignments |
Run |
140 |
Run actions for each agent with regex filtering on agent name. |
excludeEnabled, excludeDisabled, limit, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Agents |
Run |
141 |
Run actions for each build with filtering like getBuildList. |
labels, issues, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Builds |
Run |
142 |
Run actions for each capability with regex filtering like getCapabilityList. |
agent, limit, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Run |
Run |
143 |
Run actions generated from a CSV file. |
common, input, propertyFile, continue, quiet, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Run |
144 |
Run actions for each deployment project with regex filtering on deployment project name. |
regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Deployment |
Run |
145 |
Run actions for each environment defined for a deployment project with regex filtering on environment name. |
regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Deployment |
Run |
146 |
Run actions for each environment requirement defined for a deployment environment with regex filtering on requirement name. |
regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Deployment |
Run |
147 |
Run actions for each environment trigger defined for a deployment environment with regex filtering on trigger name or description. |
regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Deployment |
Run |
148 |
Run actions for each job with regex filtering on job key or name. Restrict to a specific stage or leave stage blank to get jobs across all stages. |
stage, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Jobs |
Run |
149 |
Run actions for each entry in a list. When file is provided, each action in the file augmented by the common parameter will be run for each entry. Otherwise, just the action specified by the common parameter will be run. |
list2, input, file, common, continue, quiet, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Run |
Run |
150 |
Run actions for each plan with regex filtering on plan key or name. Use @all for project to get a list of plans across all projects. See getPlanList for all filtering capabilities. |
favorite, excludeDisabled, excludeEnabled, labels, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Plans |
Run |
151 |
Run actions for each project with regex filtering on project key or name. |
regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Projects |
Run |
152 |
Run actions for each repository with regex filtering on repository name. |
plan, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Repositories |
Run |
153 |
Run actions for each requirement defined for a job with regex filtering on requirement name. |
limit, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Requirements |
Run |
154 |
Run actions generated by SQL provided by the sql parameter, a file, or standard input |
common, driver, database, host, port, url, dbUser, dbPassword, input, propertyFile, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Run |
155 |
Run actions for each stage with regex filtering on stage name. |
stage, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Stages |
Run |
156 |
Run actions for each task in a job with regex filtering like getTaskList. |
limit, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Tasks |
Run |
157 |
Run actions for each plan trigger with regex filtering on trigger name or description. |
regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Triggers |
Run |
158 |
Run actions for each user with regex filtering the same as getUserList. |
regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, input, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Users |
Run |
159 |
Run actions only if a regex based condition is met. Other parameters and behavior are the same as the run action. By default the regex is used as a find operation in the value. Options parameter can be set to one or more of the following to modify the default behavior: literal - to treat the regex string as a literal string, exact - to require an exact match of the value, negative - to reverse the condition so a match means do NOT run action. |
common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex |
Run |
Run |
160 |
Set child dependencies and other related options. |
Options |
Update |
161 |
Set the plan as a favorite. |
Plans |
Update |
162 |
Set miscellaneous option for a job. The following options are specifically supported: clean working directory after job completes (cleanAfter switch) and pattern matching labeling (regex and labels parameters). Use the field and value parameters for additional settings with values determined from the screen. Some previous settings may be lost if not specifically requested. |
Jobs |
Update |
163 |
Request to stop a queued or running build. Use continue to ignore errors finding a build to stop or failed results. The wait parameter will cause processing to wait for completion or timeout before returning. |
Builds |
164 |
Experimental. Test a global or plan repository configuration to see if a successful connection can be made. Bamboo 5.15 or higher for Bitbucket, GIT, and Mercurial repositories using shared credentials only. |
Repositories |
165 |
Remove the plan from the favorite list. |
Plans |
166 |
Update branching options for a plan. Use the field or other field setting parameters to set options. Use getBranchingOptions to view the available fields that can be set. |
field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, file, encoding |
Branches |
Update |
167 |
Update a capabilities value. |
Update |
168 |
Update existing credentials. Credentials can be renamed by providing a name. |
name, userId, file, input, accessKeyId, userPassword, sshParaphrase, accessKey |
Update |
169 |
Update a deployment environment requirement. |
Deployment |
Update |
170 |
Update a task for a deployment environment. |
description, taskKey, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Deployment |
Update |
171 |
Update existing deployment environment variables. Use the field parameters for the variable name and the corresponding value parameters for the variable values. Use append to add text to an existing variable. |
Deployment |
Update |
172 |
Update a plan's name or description. Provide a 2-part plan key where the first part is the project key. Variable @planName@ can be used in the name or description parameter to substitution the current plan name. |
Plans |
Update |
173 |
Update a global or plan repository. Be careful to provide all the parameters needed for the repository definition just like on addRepository. If the credentials parameter is provided the appropriate fields will be added automatically for GIT, Mercurial, and Bitbucket Cloud repositories. |
repository or id |
plan, name, credentials, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Repositories |
Update |
174 |
Update a plan requirement. |
Requirements |
Update |
175 |
Update stage details. |
Stages |
Update |
176 |
Update a task in a plan job. You must provide the same parameters as if you were creating the task. |
enable, disable, taskKey, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Tasks |
Update |
177 |
Update existing global or plan variables. Defaults to global variables unless a plan is specified. Use the field parameters for the variable name and the corresponding value parameters for the variable values. Use append to add text to an existing variable. |
plan, append, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, field, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2 |
Variables |
Update |
178 |
Validates the CLI Connector is enabled and licensed on the server. |
Misc |
Check |
179 |
Verify build was successful. Throws exception if not successful. If only a plan key is specified, it defaults to latest build. Use wait to loop waiting for the build to complete. |
Builds |
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