
See also: Actions


Export data in a ACLI compatible script suitable for use with the run action. Supported export types are WORKSPACE and REPOSITORY. The most important data that is exported are variables and deployment environments. There are 2 ways to export variables. By default they are exported using 'addVariables' actions. If you want to export them into a property file instead, set the propertyFile parameter. Use '--options appendPropertyFile' to append to the property file instead of overwriting it. Secure variable values can be exported to the secure property file associated to the session if a secure property password is provided. In this case, the secure property file can be used to restore the variables faithfully using the 'addVariables' action. Use '--options includeReplace' to have generated actions include the '--replace' parameter where appropriate to force replace of existing variables or deployment environments. Otherwise, use '--options includeContinue' to have generated actions include the '--continue' parameter where appropriate to ignore already exists and similar errors.

Required Parameters

Optional Parameters

workspace, repository, exportType, options, file, dateFormat, encoding





Output Formats

Replacement Variables

Since Version10.4



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