2. List Report - 6.5.7
A List Report is the most popular type of report created by Appfire users. This report presents the data in a tabular form. To create a List report, follow the steps below:
Steps to create List Report
Click New Report to open the Report Designer interface
Select page Type as List
Add the fields from the left panel by clicking ‘+' sign next to the field name. Fields can be dragged and dropped to rearrange the columns.
The fields list contains all standard Jira fields, custom Jira fields for the instance, calculated fields created using Reports and Timesheets for Jira app. The fields with an symbol are explained in detail here.
Specify a filter criteria to search for issues, using a JQL statement, Jira Favorite Filter or using Reports Custom Filter builder in the Issues Search panel
Click Run to view the results in the bottom pane
Click Save to save the report for future use. Saved reports can be accessed via My Area → My Reports
Additional Details
Field Settings
Settings on each field can be set by selecting the gear icon on each added field. Listed below are some examples of the options that are available from field settings:
Change the label of the column
Sort on the column
Apply filters on the column
Group results by the column
Hide the selected field from results
Set date format
Set aggregation formula
More examples can be found in the App under Help → Sample Reports
Page Settings
Each page in a report can have a Page Title that will appear as the title of the page on the report. Page settings are also available for each page and differ based on the type of the report.