Upgrade to the latest Atlassian release of the Jira software version 9.4.11, 9.10.2, 9.11.1 or higher, which includes the MySQL 8.x fix, and the ActiveObjects library upgraded to version 5.0.3. Refer to Issues resolved in 9.4.11.

Time to first response by assignee - 6.6.2

Report purpose: Compare average time taken by an assignee to send the first response


The report is created using Reports and Timesheets for Jira app

  1. Go to Jira > Reports and Timesheets > Custom Report

  2. Select the report type List (selected by default)

  3. Click on the fields in the left hand side fields selector to add them to the report

    1. Project > Project Name

    2. Users > Current Assignee Name

    3. Service Desk > Time to first response Actual, Time to first response, Time to first Target

    4. Click on the Field settings icon for Time to first response Actual

      1. Change the Unit = Hours, Aggregate = Average

  4. Click Run

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