New tickets

Report purpose: Determine the Number of tickets coming in for support every day, every week, every month or over any other period of time


The report is created using Reports and Timesheets for Jira app

  1. Go to Jira > Reports and Timesheets > Custom Report

  2. Change the report type to Chart > Bar

  3. Click on the fields in the left hand side fields selector to add them to the report

    1. X-Axis => Dates: Created.

    2. Click on the Field settings icon for Created date field

      1. Select a date format for Created date. For example,

        1. for daily count, Format = MMM dd, yyyy

        2. for weekly count, Format = w [week of year]

        3. for monthly count, Format = MM, yyyy

      2. Select the desired date range

    3. Y-Axis => Common: Count of Issues



  4. Click Run
