Deploying Agile Retrospectives locally via Docker

End of life of Agile Retrospectives Server

After careful consideration, Agile Retrospectives Server by Appfire will be retired and archived on the Atlassian Marketplace on the 31st of March, 2023. Current customers and evaluators were informed of this change before the 31st of December, 2022.

Operation of Agile Retrospectives Cloud stays intact. 

Please contact our support team if you have any

This article assumes that you pass the following requirements:

  • Basic knowledge of using Docker
  • docker-compose installed on your system
  1. Login in Docker against Agile Retrospectives Docker Registry

    docker login
  2. Copy the following file and name it docker-compose.yml
    Feel free to change the port mapping if needed

    version: "3"
            container_name: mongo
            image: mongo:3.6.9
            volumes: ["./_app_data:/data/db"]
            ports: [""]
            restart: always
            container_name: jr
            restart: always
            ports: ["3005:3005"]
            links: [mongo]
            depends_on: [mongo]
  3. Run docker-compose (pass -d flag to run it as service)

    docker-compose up -d
  4. Make sure it works by opening your machine URL/IP in the browser, e.g.:
    - localhost will be your server IP
    - 3005 will be your server port (leave empty if 80)
    - /atlassian-connect.json is a path to validate the deployment
    If installed successfully, you'll see a JSON response.

  5. Navigate to Agile Retrospectives Configuration page in Manage Apps section of your Jira

  6. Enter the URL or IP of the machine where you run the App