Release History - Archived

This page is about Assets & Inventory Plugin for Jira Cloud. Using Server or Data Center? Click here.

This page lists the release notes from every production version of Assets and Inventory Plugin for Jira Cloud.

  • Addressed Bugcrowd issue: Unauthorized users could access asset history.

  • Revised the structure of unnecessary Slack error messages.

  • The Substatus field continued to display even for statuses that didn't have any substatuses.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with the "Delete All Assets of an Asset Type" REST API, where it would only delete 50 assets at a time. Now, the API correctly removes all assets of the specified type as intended.

  • Resolved an issue where number attribute values were disappearing upon editing an asset.

  • Resolved the issue where clearing attribute fields did not work for custom attributes.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue where clearing out a text attribute was not functioning correctly.

  • Corrected audit log discrepancies with object types and fixed the failure to display object names for certain types.

  • Addressed validation errors in number-required fields.


  • Custom Domains support has come to the JSM. Users can now take advantage of custom domains for JSM, enhancing flexibility and customization options.

  • Resolved an issue where uploading a CSV file with a BOM (byte order mark) caused parsing issues.

  • Fixed an issue where import and export operations would enter an infinite loop due to incorrect page parameters returned by Atlassian’s bulk operations.

  • Resolved an issue that was occurring while downloading an image.

  • Resolved an issue where an incorrect required field warning was displayed in the permission scheme modal.

  • Fixed an issue where importing CSV files with incorrectly formatted Install Date was causing an error during Asset creation.

  • Corrected the formatting of the Install Date field to align with the configured settings.

  • Unauthorized Asset Information Disclosure via GET Request in Jira Service Management has been fixed.

  • The theme issue that occurred when the theme was set to Auto has been resolved.

  • Public REST API is now available.

  • Graphical viewing feature has been added for linked assets.

  • Data retention policy has been added.

  • The issue of Atlassian query going into an infinite loop when a user had over 50 groups has been resolved.

  • Logging improvements in the backend.

  • Increased test coverage.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the saving of options for distinct attributes with the same name.

  • Enhanced the pipeline to automate the release of the production version.

  • Bug that allows .exe files to be uploaded has been fixed.

  • QR Templates have been added to Settings to print labels for assets that include QR codes and attributes.

  • Sensitive data in uploaded photographs is now being removed to prevent exposure.

  • To prevent attackers from abusing the application, a whitelist of files that can be associated to assets has been defined.

  • Bug Bounty preparations.

  • Integration test improvements.

  • Reading RDS secret from cache.