Displaying only reporter's assets on custom field (Jira Software and JSM)

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This document explains how to configure Jira and Jira Service Management (JSM) to display only the issue reporter's assets within a custom field on both the Jira interface and the JSM customer portal.

By configuring this setting, you allow JSM customers to create tickets only for assets they are assigned to. This improves data accuracy and simplifies the ticketing process for both customers and agents.


  • AIP version 7.0.1 or later


  1. Define Asset Visibility.

    • Navigate to Assets > Settings > Custom Field Configurations.

    • Locate the desired custom field and select Reporter's Assets under the configuration option to display only the reporter's assets.

If you need to filter assets with other attributes, please follow the rest of the document.

2. Permission Considerations:

Asset Type

Let’s consider External Services as an example asset type. You can use multiple assets at a time.

Permission scheme is essential; so please make sure you have assigned a Permission Scheme to the Asset Type Scheme or Asset Type. Then, make sure you have configured Browse Assets permission for the JSM customers. 

Owners are Jira Multiple Users Select type, you can use the Assignee system field if you do not need multiple users for one asset. 

  1. Asset Filter

Make a search and save it as an asset filter.

Select Owners from More fields and click Search with functions and then write $reporter. If the reporter can not be found, the current user is effective.

  1. Save search as Filter:

    • Name the filter descriptively (for example, "Reporter is in Owners").

    • Mark the filter as a System Filter for use with the asset custom field.

  2. Asset Custom Field Configuration

    • Add asset custom field to Jira Project screens. All Jira and JSM screens are supported (Jira Core, Jira Software, Jira Service Management agent screens, and  Jira Service Management customer portal). 

    • Add asset custom field to customer portal request types. Refer to this documentation for more information. 

    • Navigate to AIP app settings > Custom Fields Configuration, click Configure, select Filters, find your saved filter (Reporter is in Owners), and save the configuration.

Functionality in action

We have four assets of External Services asset type. Once configured, the custom field will dynamically display assets based on the issue reporter.


Here are some scenarios to illustrate the functionality:

  • Example 1: User & Reporter are Portal Agents (No Assets): If both the user creating the ticket and the reported are portal agents (without asset ownership), no assets will be displayed.

  • Example 2: User (Agent) & Reporter (Alana Grant): When a portal agent creates a ticket for "Alana Grant" using the "Raise this request on behalf of" option, the custom field will display only the 3 assets assigned to Alana Grant. Additionally, the asset list will update dynamically if the reporter is changed.

    The search modal will also work without any issues.

  • Example 3: User (Agent) & Reporter (Ryan Lee): Similar to Example 2, if the agent sets "Ryan Lee" as the reporter, only Ryan's 2 assigned assets will be displayed.

  • Example 4: User & Reporter (Mitch Davis - Customer): When a customer (Mitch Davis) logs in to the JSM customer portal, they will only see their 2 assigned assets within the custom field.
