RPC - Configuring Release Prediction Chart

RPC - Configuring Release Prediction Chart

First you need to add this report to your dashboard. To do that, click Add new gadget. In the Add new gadget dialog, click Load all gadgets. Search for the Release Prediction report and add it to your dashboard.

To see more instructions about adding a gadget to your dashboard see Atlassian documentation.

Configuring Release Prediction Chart

Setting up the Release Prediction Chart is a quick and easy procedure, just fill out the necessary chart fields to select what you would like to see on your report:

Fields description
Display data for

You can build your report on a Jira project, SCRUM board, or a saved filter.


If you select a Jira project, the report will show how the work is being delivered inside a particular project and will calculate work on the tickets belonging to the selected project only

SCRUM board

If you select a SCRUM board, the report will show how work is being delivered for a particular SCRUM team.

For Release Prediction Chart to display data, there should be at least two sprints on the SCRUM board.

Saved filter

This is the most flexible way to display data for the report. You can create any filter in Jira to display the tickets that you need, save it, and select for the report.

Use this option for tailored Jira setups and if you are working in SAFe.

Filter by

Additional filter.

Note that the available options for the additional filtering depend on your main filter for the report, that is whether your report is built for a project, SCRUM board, or a saved filter.

Start reporting atStart date for the report. This is a required field.
Backlog extra issues

The number of issues from the backlog that will be included in the report. The default number of issues is set to 0, which means that the report will process only the tickets that are included into the future sprints and ignore any tickets that are in the backlog.

Report cumulatesTime metrics for your report, measured in man-days (MD) or story points (SP).
Deviation lines at

User defined acceptable deviation from the plan, measured in % and can be between 10% and 90%. If you don't want to view the deviation lines at the moment, select Hide lines option from the dropdown list.

The chart shows deviation lines based on the future Sprint estimates and the selected deviation. The selected deviation percent is taken into account when calculating the projected, optimistic, and pessimistic release dates. You can define what you consider to be a norm as a deviation % from sprints estimates. As long as a team is within the deviation norm, the team progress is considered to be on track, and you do not get warnings every time when the actuals line is below the estimates.

Everything below the Deviation (late) line is considered to be in danger zone as this means that the work is behind the plan for more than you can allow for. The danger zone is marked as a transparent red area below the Deviation (late) line. Thus, the main thing is not to let the actuals line get into the danger zone.

Refresh IntervalThe interval at which you want the gadget to be updated.

This is it! When you are done with the setup, click the Save button and a Release Prediction Chart will be displayed.

See also

RPC - Using Release Prediction Chart