ACLI Shell
The ACLI Shell is the new, modern look for the CLI providing increased ease of use and new capabilities. We have more new features in the works as well. We’d love to hear your feedback on this new experience including anything that seems like a bug or missing functionality.
An introduction to the ACLI Shell
The ACLI Shell is a terminal app that provides prompts, helps discover actions, walks through available parameters and values, completes content, and then runs the action.
ACLI version 10.6, the ACLI shell introduced auto prompting or inline completion.
The ACLI shell works on many standard Linux and Mac command terminal apps. It is recommended that
Windows users use the modern Windows Terminal app that includes PowerShell, Command Shell, and more.
We want your feedback on this important new feature of the ACLI.
Use the /support feedback slash command and type in your comments and ideas!
Atlassian CLI Master Class - This master class features the ACLI Shell in action! |
Starting the ACLI Shell
To start the ACLI Shell app, you need to run the acli start script in a supported terminal with or without a single parameter referencing a configured site.
You need to specify a configured site, your configured default site is used.
The acli start script requires more than one parameter to run actions.
Once in the app, just start typing your action … .
Use examplegear to try out actions. Examplegear is the Appfire testing site. To access it, type acli examplegear
As you type an action, the ACLI shell presents a list of actions based on the text you type.
To select an option press tab then use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the options.
Press space bar to select the option and return to the ACLI shell command line.
Once you selected an action the ACLI shell presents the parameters available for that action.
Again, the options available narrow as you type a parameter name. Press tab and then use the up and
down arrow keys to highlight the options.
Press space bar to select the option and return to the ACLI shell command line.
Once you select a parameter the ACLI shell provides suggested values for that parameter. If the parameter expects a value from the site you selected (such as --project or --space) then the shell queries that site for values that you may select. For some parameters that may have a lot of possible values (like --issue or --page) the list of values is based on your viewing history in the site, but won’t be every possible value.
Just like with actions and parameters the options available narrow down as you type a parameter value. Press tab and then use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the options. Press space bar to select the parameter value and return to the ACLI shell command line.
Inline Completion
Inline completion supported for all client starting with ACLI version 11.0.0.
In ACLI version 10.6, the ACLI shell introduced auto prompting or inline completion.
Inline completion suggests the sequence to follow or the next best or most common parameter based on the action and parameters that you have entered.
Think of the auto completion as the gray text that appears when typing emails but for action and parameters.
To accept the suggestion, press the Tab key and use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the options.
Press space bar to select the option and return to the ACLI shell command line.
The inline completion suggesting stops showing if you deviate from the recommended parameter
Command Validation
The inline completion also offers command validation that flags when you enter globally unrecognised sites, actions or parameters.
Fuzzy Search of Prompts
Inline completion uses fuzzy searching that logically organises the prompt results.
The search is interactive and you can view and evaluate the prompt results that are displayed.
Once you selected an action, the ACLI shell presents the parameters available for that action.
As in previous versions, the options available narrow as you type an action or a parameter name.
When you select a parameter the ACLI shell provides suggested values for that parameter.
What Else Can ACLI Shell Do?
The ACLI shell provides a set of slash commands that help you to navigate through the shell and gather
information about settings and environment.
The slash commands also allows you to access documentation and support, whilst you are in the shell.
If you enter an incorrect slash command, the command is highlighted to indicate that it is an unrecognized command.
/slash commands
docs: Show help and documentation, search for actions, links to how-tos and examples
info: Show app help, configuration, client, and server information
support: Show support information, links, and tips
updates: Check for and install updates to maintain your installation
history: Work with previous action results
web: View status and manage the ACLI web service
settings: Change user interface and configuration settings
exit: Exit the shell session (Ctrl+D works also)
Get help (/support)
overview: Support overview including links to helpful resources
news: List of current issues that may impact your installation
feedback: Provide feedback to ACLI developers
ask: Ask a question and find answers about the ACLI from the Atlassian Community
report: Report a problem or suggestion to support (login required)
requests: Show previously reported requests (login required)
Ready for Something Even More Advanced?
Theme your ACLI shell (/settings theme)
Learn about creating your own themes here!
Recalling previous actions
The ACLI shell allows you to recall and reuse actions from both the current and previous ACLI shell sessions using the up arrow and down arrow keys.
Recalling actions from the current ACLI Shell Session
In the shell, type /history.
The shell displays a list of actions run in previous sessions.
This is part of the ACLI shell set of commands.
For more info see:
ACLI Shell /slash commands
Recalling actions from previous ACLI Shell Sessions
In the shell, at the prompt type history.
The shell displays a list of actions run in previous sessions.
Referring to results from previous actions
The ACLI shell saves the results from actions run during a session.
This means that you can use the output from an action as an input into another action.
For example, the results from a getIssueList action are sent to Slack with the sendMessage action.
Have Ideas and Suggestions for Improvements?
We are truly excited for this revolutionary change in the ACLI experience!
Let us know about your experience with the /support feedback command. We’re eager to hear from you!
System Support
Windows on Intel (amd64) - shells running via Windows Terminal app like PowerShell and others
Linux on Intel (amd64) - many standard terminal apps
Mac OS on Intel (amd64) - many standard terminal apps including terminal, iTerm2, Hyper, …
Mac OS on Apple (arm64) - many standard terminal apps
We consider supporting additional hardware platforms based on user requests.
Should you notice display problems with your favorite terminal program, give us feedback.
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