Early Access Program

Early Access Program


The CLI Early Access Program (EAP) is part of our development, delivery, and quality process. EAPs are delivered regularly using our standard CLI release process whenever work has been completed on improvement and bug fixes. Deliverables are built, automatically tested, and uploaded to this site for user access. The provides the opportunity for user to provide feedback on fixes and improvements that can be addressed quickly before final release. EAP deliverables are identified by having SNAPSHOT in the version name.

  • Pre-release SNAPSHOTS are work in progress used to gather feedback and deliver fixes prior to a production release
  • SNAPSHOT releases are automatically uploaded to this site (using the Confluence CLI) as they become available in our build and QA process.
  • SNAPSHOT releases are built and pass regression tests just like a regular release, however, new or improved capabilities may not be complete or have stable interfaces
  • More details are available from Early Access Program.



  1. Deliver fixes to users as quickly as possible prior to production releases.
  2. Deliver improvements to users to verify they meet requirements prior to final release.
  3. Make it possible for users to provide feedback and identify additional requirements more quickly. This enables for us to provide more timely adjustments and improvements.
  4. Enable discussions with customers on new requirements and needs.

What Distinguishes EAP Level Code?

All EAP code passes the same automated tests as production releases. However, EAP testing talks place on a more limited set of server application releases, normally the latest release of the server application.

When new function is marked as EAP or experimental in documentation, then some things are subject to change that normally are expected to be stable for a production release:

  1. Action and parameter names
  2. Output formats and column names
  3. Behaviors and messaging

Extended EAP

In some cases, we have new clients or experimental actions and parameters for existing clients that require extended time to validate. In those cases, the new capabilities are released in a production release and documentation marks them as being in extended EAP.

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