Track time with the mobile app

In the latest 7pace Timetracker release, you can track time using the mobile app, making it easier to log work on the go!

This feature is currently in Beta. Please contact the 7pace Timetracker support team for activation.

Use the following steps to track time from the mobile app:

  1. Open the mobile app.

  2. Open an item and navigate to the Timetracker tab (Note: Before accessing this tab on mobile, ensure it is added to the item view on the web)

  3. Press + Add Time.


  4. The Add Time form displays. Here, enter a

    1. Date

    2. From and To times, or a Duration. The standard time frames are available in the form.


    3. Complete any custom fields listed on the Add Time form. For example, specify whether the time is billable, and click Save.

  5. The completed worklog is displayed in the app.

  6. Select the worklog to make changes or to delete it.

For the initial beta release, tracking time is only supported in Item view. Also, you can only manage your own time from the app, regardless of permissions. Our development team is looking to expand these features for general release.