Release notes

We are constantly improving our app, and we commit to doing so long-term - see for yourself below!

For release notes before February 2024, please visit this legacy legacy 'Release notes' page.


October 2, 2024 - Dashboard Widget Improvements

We’ve made some exciting improvements to widgets in our application. Here's what's new:

Widget Improvements

  • Filters Support: Our widgets now support both dashboard-wide and individual filters, providing you with greater flexibility in customizing your view.

  • Time Roll-Up for Subitems: Time tracked in subitems now rolls up to the summaries, giving you a more accurate overview of your total time.

  • Faster Loading Times: We’ve significantly improved widgets loading times for a smoother and quicker experience.

That’s it for now—give these our improved widgets a try, and we’d love to hear your feedback!

August 29, 2024 - Conditional Automation Using Custom Fields 

Tracking time in your boards just got an upgrade! Until now, you could sync total tracked time directly to your board using Automations, making it easy to see how much time was spent on each item at a glance.
This was great for quick insights and more possibilities for how to report time spent on your projects directly within  boards and dashboards. 

But now, we’ve turned it up a notch! You can set up an automation that syncs time-based on a custom field condition. Imagine this: you’ve got a custom field for “Billable” time. With this update, you can ensure that only the time marked as billable is synced to a dedicated column. And guess what? This works for both items and subitems, so no detail gets left behind.

Need more info on how to set this up? Head over to our documentation! 

Other Updates

  • For Admins
    Now you can also add time entries for someone else directly in the item view.

  • New Duration Formats
    Enter time in more flexible formats, like "2h 30m". 

  • All Times View Enhancement
    When grouping worklogs by parent, we’ll also include those tracked on the parent itself below the group. No more hunting around; everything’s in one neat package.

That’s it for now—go explore these new features and take your productivity to the next level!

August 22, 2024 - Fresh updates 

We are bringing you some exciting tweaks and improvements, and we can’t wait for you to check them out! Here’s what’s new:

Monthly Revamp

Our Monthly Revamp just got a serious power boost! You can now drag and drop worklogs from the monthly cell to the daily view on the right-side panel—and back again! Plus, we’ve added handy arrows to help you quickly hop from day to day in the right-side panel. Navigating your schedule has never been this smooth!

Monthly revamp.gif

We’re rolling out the new Monthly view gradually, so keep an eye out! And, of course, we’d love to hear your thoughts. Do you love it? Got ideas to make it even better? Let us know!

More Tweaks & Improvements 

  • Weekly Duplication: Smarter Totals
    Duplicating worklogs in the Weekly view? Now, as you duplicate, we’ll proactively recalculate your total hours, giving you instant insight into how those extra logs are affecting your overall time.

Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 12.33.28.png
  • Weekly Duplication: Your Quick Exit
    Accidentally start duplicating? No worries! Just hit the Escape key, and you’ll be out of the duplication process in a flash.

  • Remembering Timeframe Mode
    We now remember if you have selected the timeframe mode —even after a page reload. Set it once, and it’s saved. 

We hope these updates make your experience even more enjoyable. Dive in, explore, and as always, we’re here for your feedback!

August 8, 2024 - Monthly Revamp (Beta)

Brace yourselves for a wave of fantastic new features!

First off, we've been hard at work revamping the Monthly view (available as a beta version) to make it more user-friendly and packed with functionalities that give you a better overview and save you precious time. Here's what you can look forward to:

  • Quick Glance Worklogs: See worklogs for each day directly in the day cell, with no extra clicks needed to get a clear picture of what you’ve been working on.

  • Drag and Drop: Easily move items from one day cell to another with a simple drag and drop.


  • Enhanced Day Details: Day details are now conveniently displayed on a right-side panel for a clearer overview.

  • Flexible View Modes: In the right-side panel, switch between timeframe and stacked mode to see the day details and perform actions like duplication and drag-and-drop, just like in the weekly view.

This beta feature is currently available on request. Just drop us a line on our Support portal, and we’ll enable it for you in no time. If you want us to always enable beta features for you, let us know that too. We're eager to hear your feedback and ideas for further improvements!

Additional Improvements in the Latest Release:

  • Weekly View Enhancements: When switching between weeks, the view remembers your scroll position, keeping you right where you left off.

  • Bulk Edit for Admins: Admins can now change the person assigned to a worklog also through the bulk editing menu.

  • Stacked Mode Duplication: Easily duplicate worklogs in the stacked mode within the weekly view.

  • Accurate Time Reporting: When copying to a board, we now round to three decimal places for more precise time reporting.

We can’t wait for you to try out these new features and improvements. Let us know what you think!

July 24, 2024 - Exciting New Features and Improvements!

At 7pace, we constantly enhance your experience. This week's release brings highly requested features and improvements to make your time tracking even more powerful and user-friendly.

Save Multiple Views in Times Explorer

We are thrilled to introduce the ability to save multiple views on the Times Explorer page! Now, you can configure and save different sets of filters, groupings, selected columns, and timeframes. This feature will be rolling out to all users over the next two weeks, but you can contact us on our Support portal to get early access.

Add Time for Others

Administrators can now add time entries for other users directly from Times Explorer page. This powerful new capability is available to administrators. This feature will also be rolling out to all users over the next two weeks, but you can contact us on our Support portal to get early access.

We are also working on adding this feature to the Bulk editing on Times Explorer.

Monthly View Revamp

We are revamping the Monthly page to bring you a more intuitive and powerful experience. Worklogs are now visible at a glance in each calendar day, and all the powerful features of the Weekly page are available as an expandable right panel in the new day details view. This feature is currently in beta and can be enabled for you. Just drop us a line on our Support portal for early access.

Quality of Life Improvements

  • Deactivated/Reactivated Users Handling: The app now properly manages deactivated and reactivated users, prompting them to re-authorize access as needed.

  • New Columns in Times Explorer: We've added two new columns—Week and Month—to the Times Explorer for easier reporting.

We are committed to continuously improving your experience with 7pace Timetracker. Stay tuned for more updates and don't hesitate to share your feedback with us! Just drop us a line on our Support portal.

July 17, 2024 - Quality of Life Improvements

You may have noticed we are crazy about ease of use and user experience. Over the past four weeks, we released various improvements to your everyday life with 7pace Timetracker.

  • Grouping made easy: When grouping by multiple columns in All Times, the new groups are automatically expanded so that they are visible.

  • Saving the clicks: The expanded state of groups is now saved for the next time you open All Times. 

  • Avatars: The default avatar is now displayed for deleted users instead of a blank cell.

  • Error handling: In case of missing information in the Add Time popup, the dialog is automatically scrolled to the fields with errors.

  • Private boards: Edge cases related to user permissions to private boards that became public again are now processed correctly. 

What's next?

We are currently working on:

  • saving multiple layouts of All Times,

  • revamping the Monthly view,

  • and more.

Stay tuned!

June 19, 2024 - Edit comments easily in Timesheet

We heard your feedback and made adding comments and other worklog information easier in Timesheet.

The small popup window for adding further information is now displayed even for days with a single time entry. This should encourage users to add comments, and it unifies the experience within Timesheet. 

This release also contains some updates and fixes:

  • Number of seats calculation: On June 17, released a fix for calculating the number of licensed seats, and we therefore adapted our app to work correctly with the updated logic. If you're still seeing banners about insufficient seats, please contact our support and we will help you to resolve the case with 

  • Time import bugfixes: The following bugfixes and updates in importing time entries from time tracking fields were released.

    • Duplication in summary when there is more than one time entry from different users.

    • Add time entry that's larger than one day if it's split into multiple worklogs.

    • Show number of users with include/exclude.

    • Not showing empty users.

    • Time is rounded up to whole minutes.

  • 'Learn more' link in licensing banners was fixed.

June 12, 2024 - Bringing You More Exciting Features!

We’re thrilled to deliver some new improvements in our latest release:

  1. Remembering All Times Layouts: With the introduction of more advanced features to slice and dice your data in your All Times view —like advanced filters, grouping and custom fields—we’re ensuring your layout is saved in the background. When you return to your view, everything will be just as you left it. This includes your selected predefined timeframes, filters, groupings, sorting, selected columns, column order, and column width. No more setting it up all over again!

  2. Advanced Duration Pickers in the Add Time Dialog: Prefer clicking over typing? We’ve got you covered! Now you can easily define the duration of your worklog by clicking the duration buttons multiple times. Each additional click sums up the duration, so instead of having to type 8h, just click the 4h button twice. Quick and easy!

June 6, 2024 - New features and fixes 

Drumroll, please! It's time to unveil the coolest additions from our latest release!

📝 Custom Field Description: Ever wished you could provide a little guidance to your team on how to use those custom fields? Now you can! In the settings area, add a description to your custom fields for clearer instructions and more accurate time tracking.


🔍 Grouping in All Times: Introducing the Group By button! Easily organize your data by any column in All Times. It's more accessible now and a breeze to use.

🔄 Total Tracked Time Rounding Fix: We've fine-tuned the rounding in our "Total Tracked Time" automations. It's all about precision now!

Stay tuned for more updates and improvements on the horizon!

May 29, 2024 - Bulk editing 

Get ready to supercharge your productivity! You can now effortlessly change multiple worklog attributes - duration, comment, custom fields, and more—all at once with our new bulk editing feature in All Times. Say goodbye to tedious individual edits and hello to more free time!

With our latest enhancements, our reporting capabilities are getting a serious upgrade. If you haven’t checked out our latest features yet, take a peek at this video and see what you’ve been missing:

We’d love to hear your thoughts on these new features! How are they working for you? Anything not quite as expected? Just drop us a line on our Support portal. Your feedback keeps us moving forward!

May 8, 2024 - Advanced filters in All Times!… Plus more

Ready to slice and dice your data in the Times Explorer view? Look no further - Advanced filters are now at the fingertips for all users.

This feature streamlines the process of filtering worklogs in the Times Explorer view, allowing you to focus solely on what matters most to you. Whether you want to spotlight worklogs from specific team members, drill down to particular boards, or specific groups, the possibilities are endless. Dive into the feature today and share your feedback with us on our Support portal.

But that’s not all:

  • Copy to board upgrade - Custom fields and comments are now included when using the ‘Copy to board’ functionality

  • Bulk editing in All Times—The Times Explorer allows you to modify work log attributes in bulk (e.g., date/duration, comment, etc.). We are slowly rolling it out to more customers every day. Want access now? Just drop us a line on our Support portal.

April 25, 2024 - version 2024-04-24

We deployed minor bugfixes and improvements:

  • Fixed an issue when integration recipes for subitems were not working for boards created from a template.

  • Improved speed of data synchronization between and 7pace.

  • Fixed an issue when opening 7pace Item View on subitems on boards with limited permissions.

April 10, 2024 - Custom fields are live!

Do you need to keep track of 'Billable' hours? Or do you need to separate your time into different 'Time categories'? With custom fields, you can! They are now available to all accounts. Have a look at our documentation to find out how to reach next level of flexibility in time tracking.  

During the next two weeks, we will gradually update the 'Copy to board' feature so that custom fields are included in the copied data. As a side effect, time entries will be copied 1:1 to the target board, instead of being aggregated by days.

But that's not all, we also:

  • significantly improved performance of item view in case there are many (hundreds or thousands) of worklogs connected to a single item;

  • fixed 'Copy to board' bug where the error message "Can't delete the last group" was shown for new boards;

  • resolved the issue when some accounts experienced trouble adding time on workspaces with teams assigned as owners;

  • correctly display item location after converting to a subitem or back to an item.

March 14, 2024 - Advanced filters ready for early access

With custom dropdowns soon leaving the beta phase, we have one more new feature on our sleeve - advanced filters in All Times. If you care only about some specified subset of logged time, you will find filters really useful - you can filter e.g. only worklogs tracked in specified workspaces, boards, or specified people. And as always, using a familiar monday-like interface. 

If you find this feature useful and if you're up to providing some early feedback to us, drop us a line on our Support portal and we can allow the functionality for your early testing.

Other bugfixes in this release:

  • Automatic recognition of local date formats fixed. 

February 28, 2024 - Remember the tab

If you prefer the Weekly or the Timesheet view over the Monthly view in 'My Time', you'll be pleased to learn that the last used tab of the 'My Time' view is now remembered. One needs to save these clicks!

Apart from that, we delivered some minor improvements and fixes:

  • deleting a board is correctly represented in 7pace now,

  • minor performance improvements.

February 21, 2024 - Custom dropdowns are ready for early access

Would you like to record additional information with your worklogs, such as 'Time category'? We have this feature ready for early access - just send us a request on our Support portal and we can allow the functionality for your early testing.

Apart from this change, we:

  • Deployed a bugfix causing occasional outdated data about boards and workspaces in Times Explorer. We also discovered some additional edge cases that should be resolved during March.


  ℹ️   For release notes before February 2024, please visit this legacy Release notes page.