Group issues in Times Explorer
In the Times Explorer, you can group issues based on columns. Grouping provides you with a filtered snapshot of your data and customizable views to help you manage and analyze worklogs.
Watch the video
Review the following video to learn how to group issues in the Times Explorer.
Group issues by column
Use the following steps to group issues in the Times Explorer:
Click the group icon next to the column heading.
After creating a group, the following information displays in the header:
Total number of worklogs.
Total logged time for all grouped issues.
Click the expand icon to see individual issues for the grouped column.
Collapse the items by clicking the same icon.
To ungroup issues, click the group icon.
Group issues - Customize columns
You can also use the Customize columns window to group worklogs. Use the following steps:
Click settings.
Search for the field you want to use for grouping.
Click the group icon next to the field name.
The group is applied to the Times Explorer.