7pace Timetracker's Weekly page
7pace Timetracker's Weekly view provides visual options for inputting, editing, copying, and deleting time. To access the Weekly view, click 7pace Timetracker > Weekly.
On this page:
Watch the video
Review the following video for details about how to use Weekly view.
Weekly view
7pace Timetracker's Weekly view provides visual options for inputting, editing, copying, and deleting time. To access the Weekly view, go to the left-hand pane, and click 7pace Timetracker > Weekly.
Add time for an issue
Note that time can only be added for the current user in Weekly view. Use the following steps to add time:
Drag to specify the start and end times.
The Add Time window displays.
Select an issue, confirm the date and duration, and then select a category and add a comment, if necessary.
Click Save.
Add time for a non-issue
Use the following steps to log time against a meeting or project that isn't related to a ticket:
Drag to define the start and end time.
Enter a comment that describes the worklog.
Click Save.
Edit time
Use the following steps to edit time in the Weekly view:
Hold the pointer over a worklog and click Edit.
The Edit Time window displays.
Here, update the issue, date, duration, or comment.
To access the To and From times, activate the Timeframe toggle.
Click Save.
Alternatively, you can edit a worklog's timeframe, start time, end time, and day of the week using the drag method. To do so, simply select the worklog and drag it to a new time or date.
Delete time
Use the following steps to delete time from the Weekly view:
Hold the pointer over the worklog and click Delete.
The Delete Worklog message displays.
Click Yes.
Copy worklog
Don’t forget about another time-saving feature in the Weekly View, Copy Worklog.
To use this feature:
Hold the pointer over the worklog and click Copy.
At the bottom of the page, a message indicates that the worklog can be copied by clicking on an empty area.
Left-click the desired time slot on the calendar.
To continue copying the worklog, simply left-click another open timeframe during the week.
When you are finished copying the worklog, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
The Weekly view also includes Tozoom functionality.
Click the Zoom in or Zoom out buttons to the left of the first day of the week.