7pace Timetracker Settings: Misc: User & Subscription Management

7pace Timetracker Settings: Misc: User & Subscription Management

Add new users, change user roles, buy Timetracker after your trial ends, change your subscription, view invoices, and apply the Free plan.

User Management settings

User Management resides under the Settings page of 7pace Timetracker or from Azure DevOps Organization settings/(Extensions) 7pace Timetracker / Permissions).

If you are a project collection administrator, you can easily assign any of your DevOps users the permissions and user roles they require. If you have a dedicated administrator of a system, that person is no longer required to have an administrator role (or a license) in 7pace Timetracker, but can still manage users.

User roles general information

Keep in mind the following points when assigning permissions/user roles to your team members:

  • Assignment of user roles determines the information and pages accessible to the user.

  • All users who have access to 7pace Timetracker can create worklogs.

  • Users have full control over their time tracking.

  • If a worklog has been added by someone on behalf of a user (e.g. by a manager for a developer), both the manager and developer can alter that worklog the first time. However, as soon as the developer makes any changes, it can be altered only by that developer going forward. Unless, a specific role has been selected in the "Editing Time" dropdown under Settings > General > Rules, allowing that role to edit other users' time.

  • A user assigned the NONE role has no access to 7pace Timetracker. DevOps server (on-prem) users assigned to NONE can still see the 7pace Timetracker tab, but can only see a You don't have access to this feature. message if selected. They can see the 7pace Timetracker section on the work item form with the Start Tracking and Add Time buttons. Instead of the buttons being displayed, they will see a You don't have access to this feature. message. If they try to click any page in 7pace Timetracker, they will see a This door is locked message. DevOps services (cloud) users set to None cannot see the Time or the 7pace Timetracker tab or any 7pace Timetracker pages at all.

  • Changes made on DevOps server's own time management Remaining Time field are not restricted by 7pace Timetracker, even if these fields are set to be under the control of 7pace Timetracker.

Licensed users - how to view and change user roles

Clicking the blue path link, as depicted in the above screenshot, brings you to the Permissions page, defaulting to show licensed users of 7pace Timetracker.

Clicking on a user causes their current role to display (Administrator, in the example below) and a list of assignable roles to display on the right.

You can select multiple licensed users or click Select all and assign them to a new role all at once (helpful for larger teams).

When you select a user in the left panel and then click a corresponding Role in the right panel, the role that you assign to that user is immediately