This article explains how to export the space as well as a specific page using the Bobswifts Confluence Command Line Interface
Exporting a space
Use the below command to export a space including all the pages(along with subpages) to a single PDF:
--action exportSpace --space SRS --file "export.pdf" --exportType "PDF"
Exporting a page
Use the below command to export a page including all the pages(along with subpages) to a single PDF:
--action exportSpace --space SRS --title "demo" --file "export.pdf" --exportType "PDF"
The parameters used with the above actions are:
--space value refers to the space key.
--title value refers to the page title.
--file refers Path/name to file of result output.
--exportType indicates the type of pages export should be in.
“demo“ and “SRS“ is the name of the parent page and space that will be exported respectively.
“export.pdf” is the name of the pdf file to which the file will be exported to.
Export types are XML, HTML, PDF with XML being the default export type.