Rich filter gadgets can be exported in one of the following formats: PDF, Excel (.xlsx), and CSV. The exported data preserves the filtering selected in the Rich Filter Controller and in the gadget configuration. Users can export the content of a single gadget or the content of all the gadgets in the dashboard.
1. Exporting a gadget
The content of any rich filter gadget can be exported by clicking the export button located in the footer of the gadget.
TODO - add example picture with a Flexi Chart with the export drop-up expanded.
The configuration selected in the gadget is also maintained in the exported files. For example, if the cumulative trend is used as the aggregation type, then the total of the columns displayed in the downloaded file represents the cumulative trend total and not the sum of all elements in the column.
2. Exporting the entire dashboard
Exporting the entire dashboard can be done from the Rich Filter Controller gadget by clicking the export options located in the footer of the gadget. The export options available in the Rich Filter Controller are PDF and Excel (.xlsx).
The exported file will contain all the rich filter gadgets available in the dashboard and which are based on the same rich filter as the controller. Also, the exported data preserves the filtering as selected in the controller.
TODO: insert picture with controller drop-up expanded.