Welcome to the deeper exploration of the Priority Table feature in Foxly. This documentation will guide you through understanding and utilizing the Priority Table, one of the two main views offered by Foxly, the application integrated with Monday.com.
Views in Foxly
Priority Table:
The Priority Table is a primary view that displays a table of all your items from the Monday.com board to which Foxly was added during the initial setup.
It includes a dynamically calculated "Score" column.
Understanding the Priority Table
Score Calculation:
The "Score" column is automatically calculated by Foxly.
To understand how the score is calculated for the chosen template, click on the score, and an explanation will be provided.
Metrics are displayed on the side of the table.
These metrics are editable and must be assigned for each item to calculate the priority score.
If any metric is left unassigned, the priority score won't be calculated.
Example metrics include value, effort, time dependency, brand awareness, etc., depending on the chosen template during setup.
Customization (Coming Soon):
Currently, customization of metrics is not available in the first version of Foxly.
The ability to customize metrics will be introduced in the second version, expected in January.
Item Grouping:
Items are grouped into categories, mirroring the structure of your main board on Monday.com.
Search and Filters:
At the top of the table, you will find search and filter options. These will be discussed separately.