TFS4JIRA Cloud Native - New UI

The information provided in this section is for new customers who are using the updated Cloud Native user interface.

TFS4JIRA is a powerful integration tool that allows you to automatically synchronize Jira issues and Azure DevOps work item changes and vice versa.

With TFS4JIRA Cloud Native, you can:

  • Track and update Jira issues or Azure DevOps work items from their preferred platform, eliminating the need for duplicate work between cross-functional teams.

  • Create a more agile environment by enabling bidirectional synchronization and see changes reflected in your Jira and Azure platforms. Define which Jira item types and Azure DevOps work item types to synchronize by mapping fields, data values, filters, and hierarchies.

  • Retain your data, including epics, stories, hierarchies, links, and fields, when switching platforms.

  • Migrate to or from Jira and Azure DevOps.

  • Improve collaboration and productivity through data transparency.


  • Create individual TFS4JIRA synchronization profiles and define the project collections you want to work with.

  • Map Jira item types and Azure DevOps work item types and their corresponding fields and values.

  • Continuously monitor Jira and Azure DevOps for changes to ensure information exchange.

  • Synchronize hierarchy, subtasks, links, comments, and attachments.

  • Map Jira statuses to Azure state and vice versa to synchronize an item’s position in a workflow.

  • Use filters to define profile scope for continuous synchronizations or migrations.

  • Stellar customer support

  • Stay up-to-date with TFS4JIRA’s Cloud Native app automatic updates