The constraints that are available for any column depend on its Type. The table below summarizes the Data Type → Constraint correlations.
Static List
Dynamic List
Min/Max Value
This constraint allows a minimum and maximum value to be set for the input data. The data must fall between these values in order for the user to be allowed to complete the operation. Because of the nature of this constraint only NUMBER, REAL, DATE, and DATETIME data types may be used with this constraint.
Static List
A static list constraint requires the user to select an option from the pre-configured list of values. When entering values in this list you must also set a key. The key should match the key in the database. This will allow the values in Jira to be refreshed when changes are made in the database. While the key must match, the text is not required to match the values in database.
Dynamic List
A dynamic list allows for a script to be used to generate the list. This could allow for different allowed values based on Jira project, parent Epic, user, etc. Aside from SIL scripts, you can use a different table in the same database as a registry to populate here. So if the main table has make_code as a column, and you have another table with [make_code, make_details] you could use the second table to populate this constraint.