Coloring tasks

About color coding

Color coding your tasks can make your team more productive. You can use colors to indicate the status of your work items, categorize them to distinguish between teams and departments or highlight the tasks of high importance, such as the tasks on the critical path.

Take it to the next level and manually color your tasks to fit your organization's needs. Pick from various colors and switch between the two views at any time.

Screenshot of the Task color settings in the Gantt module.

Status-based colors

Use this option to display the status category color directly on the taskbar. This way, you'll always see the task status on the timeline - even without the Status field column in view or when you hide the task list.

Status coloring only pertains to Jira issues. Color changes will not apply to non-Jira tasks, such as projects, sprints, components, versions, or backlogs. Basic tasks also have color statuses. 

By default, the following colors are assigned to task statuses:

  • Grey - To Do

  • Blue - In Progress

  • Green - Done

Screenshot of the Gantt module with the status-based colors.

Manual task colors

If you want manual colors to be visible on the timeline:

  1. Go to the Task bar menu at the top.

  2. Set task color to Manual.

  3. Right-click anywhere on the task (either in the task structure or the timeline - don't click on the task key) and pick a color from a pop-up menu.

To change the color for multiple tasks, select all relevant tasks and use the Editor slider panel to make the change for all selected tasks.


View settings can override task color (in both status and manual modes). In particular, the Overdue and Critical path views require overriding the task color setup.