This routine is available starting with Power Scripts™ 3.0.10 (server).
runnerLog(message, percent, action)
Puts the 'message' message on the console of a runner gadget. This is a special routine only for the Power Scripts™ for Jira or SIL™ Excel Reporting and only for the runner. The use of it has no effect in other places besides for the runner.
Starting with Power Scripts™ for Jira 3.0.10 (server), the runnerLog routine can also render a progress bar by specifying the percent that you want to be set.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
message | string | Yes | Specifies the message to be put on the runner console |
percent | number | No | Specifies the percent to be updated on the progress bar |
action | string | No | Specifies the action to be executed (so far, the only action considered is init_progressBar - to initialize the progress bar; everything else will be ignored) |
Return type
string, can always be ignored
The scripts would look like this:
date start_date = gadget_getDateValue(argv, "Start Date"); string tanks = gadget_getSingleValue(argv, "Tanks"); string infantry = gadget_getSingleValue(argv, "Infantry"); string rockets = gadget_getMultiValues(argv, "Rockets"); runnerLog("Preparing to start a war...", 0, "init_progressBar"); runnerLog("The war will start at this date: " + start_date, 10); runnerLog("Building tanks..."); runnerLog("Built " + tanks + " tanks.", 30); runnerLog("Gathering infantry..."); runnerLog("Gathered " + infantry + " brave men.", 60); runnerLog("Fueling rockets..."); runnerLog(rockets + " ready.", 90); runnerLog("Dispatching orders...", 100); return "Good job! The world is now at war!";
gadget_createDatePicker("Start Date", currentDate(), true, "Choose a start date"); gadget_createInput("Tanks", "500", true, "The number of tanks"); gadget_createInput("Infantry", "1600", true, "The number of tanks"); gadget_createCheckboxGroup("Rockets", {"A big one", "A lot of small ones"}, "", false, "Do you want to use rockets?");
In this case, using the new runnerLog routine, when the script execution is done, the runner will look like this: