Trend Report

A trend report is used for analysis of data over time. A trend report shows how the data has behaved so far and thus helps in forecasting how it may behave in the future.

The add-on currently shows a trend of the count of issues based on status, resolution, priority and date options (Created, Resolved, Due Date, etc.).

This article explains how to create a trend report using the report designer interface and provides a few examples.

Please note that if an issue has been, in say, To Do and Resolved status on the same day, it will be counted in both the statuses (Status Trend Report) for the same day. Similarly, if the issue is created and resolved on the same day, it will be counted in both Created and Resolved dates.


  1. Click New report > Custom Report to open the Report Designer interface

  2. Select page Type as Trend


  3. In the Trend Report Parameters box, add the report criteria as explained below

    1. Field: The selection in this drop-down will determine on which field the trend report will be built. The secondary drop-down changes based on the selection in the primary drop-down

      1. Created/Resolved - This is the most used field for a trend report and thus has been provided as the first option for ease of use. It shows count of issues created vs count of issues resolved based on the date range. This report can also be achieved if Dates field is selected and ‘Created’ and ‘Resolved’ dates are selected in the secondary drop-down.

      2. Dates - Selecting “Dates” in the field lists all the available date fields in user’s Jira instance (Created, Resolved, Due Date, Time Entry Date, Start Date, etc.) in the secondary dropdown and user can select for which dates the trend report should be created

      3. Status - Selecting “Status” lists all the available statuses in user’s Jira instance in the secondary dropdown and user can select for which statuses the trend report should be created

      4. Resolution - Selecting “Resolution” lists all the available resolutions in user’s Jira instance (Known error, Cannot Reproduce, Hardware failure, Software failure, etc.) in the secondary dropdown and user can select for which resolutions the trend report should be created

      5. Priority - Selecting “Priority” lists all the available priorities in user’s Jira instance and user can select for which priorities the trend report should be created

    2. Date Range: The trend report will be run of the dates defined here. The drop-down has a lot of predefined ranges along with a custom option that allows the user to select a desired range.

    3. Interval: The interval defines how the date range will be divided to show the trend. The options are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly. So, for example, if Date Range is selected as “Last Week” and Interval is selected as “Daily” then it’s going to show a trend of how many issues were created and how many were resolved each day of the last week (for Created/Resolved trend report)

    4. Output Format: This selection defines in what form the trend report will be shown - Bar Chart, Line Report or in a Table format

      1. This field is disabled when “Show Break down by Issue Type” is selected; the output format in that case will always be a table

    5. Show Break down by Issue Type: Checking this box allows the user to see the result set broken down by issue types in the system in a table format

      1. The best way to use this option is to sort on issue type field and then review the data

    6. Show Cumulative: This option will add the data of the data of the first day to the data of the second day and then show second day’s data. For example, if you have selected Created/Resolved trend report for last week with daily interval then the first day’s data will show created and resolved on the first day. But second day’s data will show first day’s data plus the created and resolved for second day (not just created/resolved on second day). Similarly, third day’s data will be addition of first, second and third day’s data.


  4. Issues Search - Additional filters can be applied to the trend report by using the Issues Search area: JQL, Jira favorite filters or Appfire’s custom filter builder

  5. Click Run to view the results in the bottom pane (below is a screenshot of the Created/Resolved for last week in a Bar format)

  6. Click Save to save the report for future use. Saved reports can be accessed via My AreaMy Reports


Additional Details

Report Filtering

If the output format is selected as Bar or Line, you can see partial report by clicking on the legends. For example, in the Created/Resolved Bar output shown above, if you click the legend ‘Resolved’, all Resolved bars will be hidden allowing you to see the trend of just Created issues.

Page Settings

Each page in a report can have a Page Title that will appear as the title of the page on the report. Page settings are also available for each page and differ based on the type of the report.

Sample Reports

  1. Created/Resolved/Updated Trend Report - Count of issues created, resolved and updated daily for the selected week

  2. Created/Resolved/Updated Trend Report - Same criteria as above but with Cumulative option selected

  3. Created/Resolved/Updated Trend Report - Same criteria as above but with Show Break down by Issue Type selected and sorted by Issue Type.

The “Show percentages” option and Filtering option next to 'Export Page' button is under development.

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