Time Tracking Report

A Time Tracking report provides a flexible and quick way of reporting the time logged by individual users in Jira.

The logged time can be aggregated on any set of fields as per the business requirements. This article explains how to create a basic time tracking report and provides some sample reports too.


To create a Time Tracking report, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Report Designer interface, change Type from List → Time Tracking

  2. The default screen shown below is displayed. Each option on the screen is explained below

    1. Fields: List of fields to be used for aggregation of time tracking data

    2. Date Range: Period for which the time needs to be reported. Data can be aggregated on Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Totals only basis

    3. Time Unit: Display time in Minutes, Hours or Days

    4. Users and Teams Filter: Users for which the time needs to be included in the report. If this field is left blank, all the users who have logged time in Jira, will be included in the report

      • If teams have been created under My Area -> My Teams, a team's name can be specified instead of adding individual users

      • The 'Add Logged In User' option will show time only for the user running the report. This option can be useful when sharing with multiple users to show their time only

    5. Projects: Select the project for which time needs to be reported

    6. Issue Types: Select particular issue types for which time needs to be reported. For example, if a report is required to see time spent in fixing bugs, select Bug as the issue type

    7. Include users with zero time: This option is enabled if there are users/teams added to the "Users and Teams filter". By default only users who have time logged for the selected date range are displayed in the report. If this option is checked, then the users who have not logged any time for the selected date range, but are part of the "Users/Teams" filter, will also show up in the report

    8. No filter for row total: This option provides an additional filter for the time tracking report at each row level. This option is useful when you only want to see users who have entered less than 40 hours or users who have entered more than 40 hours per week, etc.

    9. Include Non-Project Tasks: If selected, any time logged against Non-Project Tasks (if exists) will also be included in the report

    10. Include issues with zero time: If selected, the report will also show issues with no time logged against them

Checking this option will bring all the issues in Jira that have no time logged against them


Sample Time Tracking Reports

Below are a few sample reports with configurations and results. More sample reports can be found at New report > Templates.

  1. Current Month’s Logged Time for a Team (shows users with no time logged in the current month)

  2. Time Logged against each Epic in Last Month

  3. Time Logged against Sprints in Last Month

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