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How to address unlabelled Epic names after project transfer via Configuration Manager for Jira(CMJ)

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After transferring a project using Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ), users have observed that epic names appear unlabelled, disrupting project tracking and management.


  1. Epic names display correctly in the source Jira instance but appear unlabelled in the target instance after migration.

  2. The issue occurs regardless of the language of the epic names.

  3. The problem persists even after multiple migrations.

Root Cause Analysis

The root cause was identified through detailed logs and user reports:

  • The source Jira instance uses default field names for epic, epic name, and epic link.

  • The target Jira instance uses custom field names in English and other languages like Korean (e.g., 에픽, 에픽의 이름, 에픽 연결).

  • The discrepancy in field names between source and target instances leads to unlabelled epic names post-migration.


To resolve the issue, the following steps are recommended:

  1. Verify Jira and CMJ Versions
    Ensure that both source and target Jira instances have the same versions. For example, if the Source Jira version is 9.4.14, the Target Jira version should also be 9.4.14. Both instances should be using the same version of CMJ.”

  2. Collect Support Logs
    Navigate to the "Logging and Profiling" section in Jira Administration, click Configure, add com.botronsoft, and set the log level of the com.botronsoft to DEBUG. Share the support zip by referring to

  3. Review Audit Logs
    To obtain detailed audit logs, follow instructions from [Configuration Manager for Jira Audit Logging](​ ).

  4. Execute Database Queries
    Run these SQL queries on both source and target databases to verify epic labels and colors:

    SELECT * FROM customfield;
    SELECT * FROM customfieldvalue
    WHERE customfield = ANY (
    SELECT id FROM customfield
    WHERE customfieldtypekey LIKE 'com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-label'
    OR customfieldtypekey LIKE 'com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-color'
  5. Manual Field Updates
    Copy the epic name values in the target instance into the appropriate field(e.g., 에픽의 이름) to update them.

  6. Replicate and Analyze
    Set up a test environment to test out the behavior. You refer to this page, Jira Clones, for information on how to do that.

Example screenshots before and after deployment

Here are example screenshots illustrating the issue and its resolution:

Before Deployment:

  • The epic name appears correctly in the source Jira instance.


After Deployment:

  • The epic link is showing as unlabelled in the target Jira instance after the deployment of the snapshot.



Unlabelled epic names after project transfer via CMJ can be resolved by ensuring consistency in field names between source and target Jira instances. Following the outlined steps, users can maintain accurate epic labels, improving project tracking and management. For any additional assistance, please contact support or submit a ticket.


  • No labels