Go to Administration > Manage Apps > Power Apps Config > Advanced > Scripted Fields to manage Scripted Custom Fields.
Field Descriptions
Custom Field
The custom field that will receive an update when the script is triggered and run.
The full path to the file. Click the path to access the file in the SIL Manager.
The projects that should be used to trigger the script. Only selected projects will trigger the script to update the field.
Issue types
The issue types that should be used to trigger the script. Only selected issue types will trigger the script to update the field.
Edit and Delete buttons.
Add a Scripted Field
Each Scripted Field entry represents a script that runs for an event. When a Scripted Field is added, define the following properties:
Existing fields - Use an existing custom field to receive the update from a script.
New field - Create a new custom field to be updated from a script.
Custom field name - The name that should be used for the custom field that will be created.
Custom field type - The type of standard Jira custom field that will be created.
Trigger on - Optional triggers that can be set to also trigger the script execution on related issues to make sure scripted fields on those issues stay up to date.
Child update - If 'Child update' is set to true, the child issue is updated and current issue(parent) has a Scripted Field that matches the project and issue type(s) filter, the scripted field will be recalculated for that (parent) issue.
Parent update - If 'Parent update' is set to true, the parent issue is updated and current issue(child) has a Scripted Field that matches the project and issue type(s) filter, the scripted field will be recalculated for that (child) issue.
Linked issue update - If 'Linked issue update' is set to true, the linked issue is updated and current issue has a Scripted Field that matches the project and issue type(s) filter, the scripted field will be recalculated for that issue.
Project filter - The projects that should be used to trigger the script. Only selected projects will trigger the script to update the field.
Issue type filter - The issue types that should be used to trigger the script. Only selected issue types will trigger the script to update the field.
SIL Script - The existing SIL script that will be used to calculate the value for the custom field.
Update a Scripted Field
To update a listener, click the Edit icon in the Operations column on the SIL Listeners page and update the fields in the pop-up window.
Delete a Scripted Field
To remove a SIL Listener, click the Delete icon in the Operations column on the SIL Listeners page.