Merge custom fields
We're pleased to introduce merging custom fields into Power Admin. Now you can merge custom fields of the same type to reduce the number of custom fields on your system and improve your Jira performance. A quick and intuitive wizard will guide you through the merge process, where you can choose source and destination custom fields and decide how to merge their context options and values in issues confidently.
The source custom field's values in issues and contexts will be merged into the destination custom field. All configuration that references the source field will be updated to point to the destination field (e.g., screens, filters, etc.). After the merge, Power Admin will not delete the source custom field.
There are different options for merging the context options and custom field values in issues for conflicting contexts. You can choose between the merge and replace options for merging context options and custom field values in issue.
More improvements and bug fixes will be coming soon! Thanks! Submit your suggestions for improvements to Support Portal. We value your feedback!