Bulk update provide users to update multiple attributes and system fields on multiple assets at the same time.
Following transactions can be performed from bulk operations menu.
- Update assets
- Assign to me
- Assign to user
- Check-in assets
- Delete assets
- Print QR
- Monitoring bulk operation status
These operations also can be performed for an asset from asset view.
There is two way to decide which assets will be included for operations
- Filtering
- Marking checkboxes
It is possible to update multiple system fields and multiple attributes at the same time.
For the system user fields(Assignee, Owner, Managed by, Reserved for) there is three update option;
- With entering a new value
- By another User attribute
- By another Text attribute
When the update process started you can follow status by Bulk operations status pop-up.
Assing to me
Assign to me operation makes following changes on assets
- Changing asset's status as IN USE
- Changing asset's assignee as current logged in user.
You can follow the operation process from bulk operations status pop-up.
Assign to user
You can assign an asset to specific user.
2. Seçenek) We are also providing flexibility of assigning assets to specific user with Assign to user operation.
Check-in assets
Check-in assets operation makes following changes on assets
- Changing asset's status as IN STOCK and sub status as AVAILABLE
- Changing asset's assignee as empty.
You can follow the operation process from bulk operations status pop-up.