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a Comala Document Approval to a space


applies the workflow to all the pages and blog posts. When the space approval workflow is active, the approval workflow is automatically applied when new pages and blog posts are created in the space.

The space application of the approval workflow overrides all approvals added and applied to individual pages and blog posts on a page-by-page basis.



approvals to all pages and blog posts in a space


A Comala Document Approval workflow is added and applied to all pages and blog posts in the space by making the approval workflow active in the document approval dashboard in a space.


The addition and application of the space approval workflow is by the space administrator(s).

Open the space document approvals dashboard

Choose Space Settings in the sidebar menu.


Choose Content Tools, then select the Approval tab to display Space Settings Approval dashboard.


A description of the approval workflow can accessed by clicking on Basic Approval Workflow.


In the Confluence sidebar menu

  • choose Space Settings

  • choose App links

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  • select Comala Document Approval

This displays the space settings document approval dashboard.

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The Basic Approval Workflow is listed in the dashboard. This is a simple three-state approval workflow for the Comala Document Approval app.

The Basic Approval Workflow is disabled in the space by default. When disabled


a user with edit permission for a page or blog post in the space can add and apply an approval workflow to an individual page or blog post.



display information details of the basic approval workflow

  • choose the View detail icon

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A popup displays a visual flowchart and description of the workflow.

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Apply the workflow

Apply the Basic Approval Workflow to all the


pages and blog posts in the space



  • select the toggle


  • slider next to the Basic Approval Workflow name



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  • click on the slider to enable the approval

The workflow is active and enabled as the space approvals workflow



An on-screen notification


confirms that the space configuration has been successfully saved.

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The active approval workflow is


added and applied to

  • all


  • the pages and blog posts in the space

  • added to any new pages or blog posts created in the space



Comala Document Approval app uses the same approvals workflow (with identical workflow states and transitions) in


this space mode of application, and when adding


There are a number of utilities available to the space admin to configure this space approval workflow.

These utilities will allow you to:

the approval workflow to a page or blog post on a page-by-page basis (page mode of application). 

Configuration and settings

Several options are available to configure the space approval workflow.

In the document approval dashboard

  • choose the ellipsis menu

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When the approval workflow is active, two options are enabled

  • Initialize States - set the approval state for all the space content


clear the approval history for each page and blog post.


reindex all the approvals after a migration of content from another space.

Utilities - Initialize States


  • by initializing the workflow state

  • Clear Document Activity - clears the approval document activity for all the pages and blog posts

The actions for each of these options cannot be undone.

Initialize States

Use the document approval dashboard ellipsis dropdown menu to set the approval state for


pages and blog posts in the space


This will override any existing approval state on a page or blog post.

This can be used:



The Initialize states ellipsis menu option is disabled when the space approval workflow is inactive.

Initializing states causes a page with an applied workflow but no workflow actions or an outdated (obsolete) workflow state to be set to a selected state. The space administrator also has the option to reset the workflow states for all the pages and blog posts.

  • choose Initialize States

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In the dialog box, a state must be selected for the initialization destination state.

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  • choose the state from the dropdown menu

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  • (if required) check the Override preexisting states checkbox to set all the workflow states to the selected state

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  • choose Initialize


This cannot be undone!

An on-screen notification confirms the completion of the state initialization.

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Override preexistent states is used:

  • on the initial application of the space workflow to reset all the content in the space to a specific state of the approval workflow


  • on a required date to ensure


  • review of all the content in a mature space for example.

This utility is not available when the space approval workflow is disabled.

Clear Document activity

Choose Clear


 Document Activity to reset all the workflow events and action history for


approvals for this space. This includes all


pages and blogposts, approvers, and assigned reviewers.

The Clear Document Activity ellipsis menu option is disabled when the space approval workflow is inactive.

  • choose the document approval dashboard ellipsis menu

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  • choose Clear Document Activity

In the dialog box

  • choose OK, clear Document Activity

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This cannot be undone





Utilities - Migrated space

If migrate your content to a new cloud space, choosing this option will re-enable your Approvals on this migrated space:


Approvals on the migrated space will be re-enabled when you confirm the reindex.


The approval history is linked to the original users and is not transferred with the migration.

The current user must have full permissions over the migrated space in order to perform this action.


clears the Document Activity of all pages and blog posts including document activity from approvals applied on a page-by-page basis.

Disabling the space approval workflow

To disable the space mode application of the


approval workflow across the content in a


space, in the space settings document approval dashboard

  • click the blue toggle slider next to the Basic Approval Workflow name


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The toggle slider moves to grey.

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Any previous approval workflow added and applied to individual pages


or blog posts on a page-by-page basis is re-enabled




The page approval workflow state


is the last state before the space approval workflow was disabled.

Users with Edit permissions


can add a Comala Document Approval to an individual


page or blog


post in the space when the space approval workflow is inactive.


Document report

When the space approval workflow is inactive in a space and there are no approvals added on a page-by-page basis, the document report displays a message stating the Comala Document Approval is disabled for the space.



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When the space approval workflow is disabled, the Document Report


displays details


of documents with an individual page approval workflow added



Insert excerpt
Applying the Comala Document Approval workflow
Applying the Comala Document Approval workflow