Release date: 2023-08-31
Auibutton | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note | |
title | NoteFor rollback purposes, please back up your database before starting the upgrade process or test the new BigPicture version on an isolated environment |
Bug fixes and improvements:
Import failure and warning log after adding tasks from the file
BT - Importing MPP does not import the Remaining Estimate, the Original Estimate
typestype "Projects" is not enabled by default in the Scope definition
PushServerEventsQueueCache high memory and CPU usage
BP wipes out field value during sync
Div class release-notes Div class release-notes-table Jira Charts server System JIRA sortDirection jql fixVersion%20%3D%20%22prod%2Fbigpicture%2Fjiraserver%2F2023%2F08%2F31%2F09%2F15%2F8.15.3%22%20and%20category%3Dproducts%20and%20resolution%20%3D%20Done%20and%20project%3DONE%20and%20level%20is%20empty%20order%20by%20IssueType%20DESC%2C%20Priority%2C%20summary ystattype issuetype chartType twodimensional width sortBy isAuthenticated true numberToShow 20 xstattype priorities serverId 8382ec9d-abb6-3a29-8d72-95b9a5732a63 Div class release-notes-chart Jira Charts border false showinfor false server System JIRA jql fixversion%20%3D%20%22prod%2Fbigpicture%2Fjiraserver%2F2023%2F08%2F31%2F09%2F15%2F8.15.3%22%20%20and%20category%3Dproducts%20and%20resolution%20%3D%20Done%20and%20project%3DONE%20and%20level%20is%20empty%20order%20by%20IssueType%20DESC%2C%20Priority%2C%20summary statType issuetype chartType pie width isAuthenticated true serverId 8382ec9d-abb6-3a29-8d72-95b9a5732a63 Bug fixes listBUG FIXES LIST
Info Use "Incognito mode" to open below tickets and find out the details.
Div class rw_pagetree rw_corners rw_theme_public rw_theme_public Jira Legacy server System JIRA columnIds issuetype,issuekey,summary,priority columns type,key,summary,priority maximumIssues 50 jqlQuery fixVersion = "prod/bigpicture/jiraserver/2023/08/31/09/15/8.15.3" and category=products and resolution = Done and project=ONE AND issuetype=bug and level is empty order by IssueType DESC, Priority, summary serverId 8382ec9d-abb6-3a29-8d72-95b9a5732a63 Known issuesKNOWN ISSUES
Jira Legacy | ||||||||||||